Chapter 4 Body Issues: Physical Growth and Health-Related Behaviors Flashcards
biochemical substances secreted into the blood stream by the endocrine glands that act as an internal communication system that tells different cells what to do
structures in the body that produce hormones
Endocrine Glands
a small area of the brain that controls motivation, emotion, pleasure, and pain in the body; that is, it control eating, drinking, hormonal production, menstruation, pregnancy, lactation, and sexual response and behavior
a hormone secreted by the hypothalamus that controls the production and release of FSH and LH from the pituitary
Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH)
master gland of the body located at the base of the brain
Pituitary Gland
hormones that are secreted by the pituitary and that influence the gonads, or sex glands
Gonadotropic Hormones
a pituitary hormone that stimulates the maturation of the follicles and ova in the ovaries and pf sperm in the testes
Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
a pituitary hormone that stimulates the development of the ovum and estrogen and progesterone in females and of sperm and testosterone in males
Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
a pituitary hormone that regulates body growth
Human Growth Hormone (HGH)
the sex glands; testes and ovaries
female gonads, or sex glands, that secrete estrogen and progesterone and produce mature egg cells
feminizing hormones produced by the ovaries and, to some extent, by the adrenal gland
a female sex hormone produced by the corpus luteum of the ovaries
a yellow body that grows from the ruptured follicle of the ovary and becomes an endocrine gland that secretes progesterone
Corpus Luteum
the male gonads that produce sperm and male sex hormones
a class of masculinizing sex hormones produces by the testes and, to a lesser extent, by the adrenals
a masculinizing sex hormone produced by the testes and, to a lesser extent, by the adrenals
ductless glands, located just above the kidneys, that secrete androgens and estrogens in both men and women, in addition to the glands’ secretion of adrenaline
Adrenal Glands
the process by which sperm is produced
a hormone produced in the testes to regulate FSH secretion and sperm production
cells in the testes that produce the hormone inhibin
Sertoli Cells
the pouch of skin containing the testes
a system of ducts, running from the testes to the vas deferens, in which sperm mature and are stored
the tubes running from the epididymis to the urethra that carry semen and sperm to the ejaculatory duct
Vas Deferens
twin glands that secrete fluid into the vas deferens to enhance sperm viability
Seminal Vesicles
gland that secretes a portion of the seminal fluid
Prostate Gland
the tube carrying urine from the bladder to the outside; in males, it also carries the semen to the outside
the male organ for coitus and urination
the masculinizing hormone testosterone taken by athletes to build muscle mass
Anabolic Steroids
small twin glands that secrete a fluid to neutralize the acid environment of the urethra
Cowper’s Glands
male ejaculation during sleep
Night Emissions
a recently coined term for a boy’s first ejaculation; derived from the word menarche
collective term referring to the external genitalia of the female
the opening cleft region enclosed by the labia minora
the tissue partly covering the vaginal opening
glands on either side of the vaginal opening that secrete fluid during sexual arousal
Bartholin’s Glands
the canal from the cervix to the vulva that receives the penis during intercourse and acts as the birth canal through whicvh the baby passes to the outside
major or large lips of tissue on either side of the vagina
Labia Majora
smaller lips or tissue on either side of the vagina
Labia Minora
a small shaft containing erectile tissue, located above the vaginal and urethral openings, that is highly responsive to sexual stimulation
mound of flesh in the female located above the vagina, over which pubic hair grows
Mons Veneris
literally “mound of Venus”
the womb in which the baby grows and develops
tubes that transport the ova from the ovaries to the uterus
Fallopian Tubes
first menstruation
without ovulation
hormones that cause smooth muscle contractions and contribute to dysmenorrhea and menhorragia
drugs that destroy prostaglandins and can reduce menstrual distress
a condition in which the bones become brittle due to calcium loss
features not directly related to reproduction that distinguish male from female bodies
Secondary Sexual Characteristics
a hormone that helps trigger puberty
a phenomenon experienced by some young male adolescents in which their breasts temporarily swell as they enter puberty
the trend to mature sexually at earlier ages
Secular Trend
tall, slender body build
short, heavy body build
medium, athletic body build
the probability of dying
overweight; excessively fat
the rate at which the body utilizes food and oxygen
Metabolic Rate
the hormone the brain produces to induce sleep
pimples on the skin caused by overactive sebaceous glands
sweat glands located primarily in the armpits and groin whose secretions cause body odor
Apocrine Glands
sweat gland distributed over the entire body
Merocrine Glands
oil-producing skin glands whose secretions can cause acne in the glands’ pores become blocked
Sebaceous Glands
tender, raised red bumps that are precursors to pimples
the medical term for pimples
large, deep pimples that can cause scarring