Chapter 8: Redemtion Flashcards
The church
church is a biblical word for “assembly.”
the table in a Christian church at which the bread and wine are consecrated in communion services
A church
a building for public Christian worship
Stations of the cross
a series of fourteen pictures or carvings representing successive incidents during Jesus’s progress from his condemnation by Pilate to his crucifixion and burial, before which devotions are performed in some Churches.
a tall stand with a sloping top to hold a book or notes, from which someone, typically a preacher or lecturer, can read while standing up. It should be in a prominent place so everyone can hear the word of God
in biblical use, a fixed or movable dwelling, typically of light construction. Which houses the presence of God.
a representation of a cross with a figure of Christ on it. It is a reminder that jesus died suffering
Free will and sin
The ability to choose, think, and act voluntarily
an ancient form of execution in which a person was nailed or bound to a cross.
in religious contexts) reparation or expiation for sin.
in Christian belief) the rising of Christ from the dead.
the action of returning something to a former owner, place, or condition.
the ascent of Christ into heaven on the fortieth day after the Resurrection.
the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil.
grace means God’s love in action towards men who merited the opposite of love.
deliverance from sin and its consequences, believed by Christians to be brought about by faith in Christ.
a person’s moral sense of right and wrong, viewed as acting as a guide to one’s behaviour.
the Christian festival celebrating the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples of Jesus after his Ascension, held on the seventh Sunday after Easter.
Liturgy of the word
The second phase of the mass, the liturgy of the Word, typically consists of three readings
The mass
the celebration of the Christian Eucharist, especially in the Roman Catholic Church.
Eucharistic prayer
is the offering to the Lord of the sacrifice of the Eucharistic bread and wine and of the prayers and thanksgiving of faithfuls.
the offering of the bread and wine at the Eucharist.
the service of Christian worship at which bread and wine are consecrated and shared.
Our father
is a venerated Christian prayer that, according to the New Testament, Jesus taught as the way to pray.
Words of institution
are words echoing those of Jesus himself at his Last Supper that, when consecrating bread and wine
Blessed sacrament
in Catholic use) the consecrated elements of the Eucharist, especially the bread or Host.
Agnus dei
Prayer said shortly before communion
It remembers when God ordered each jewish household to eat a lamb. For christians jesus is the new lamb of God all have been saved through his death.
the utterance of a blessing, especially at the end of a religious service.
Eucharistic adoration
Eucharistic adoration is a practice in the Catholic, Anglo-Catholic and some Lutheran traditions, in which the Blessed Sacrament is adored by the faithful because the real presence pf christ is in it
following or conforming to the traditional or generally accepted rules or beliefs of a religion, philosophy, or practice
a member of any of the Anglican Churches.
in the Roman Catholic Church) an open or transparent receptacle in which the consecrated Host is displayed for veneration.
Non conformist
a member of a Protestant Church which dissents from the established Church of England.
Explain the difference between the church and a church
A church is a religious building whilst the church is the entire world of christians together
Explain how the following help Catholic worship in a Church: Overall design (both pre and post 1965), Stations of the Cross, Altar, Lectern, Tabernacle, Crucifix
Churches were built to face Jerusalem, were spoken in latin in near silence and were constructed in a cross shape ti help us remember Jesus.
As a result of the second Vatican council alter were brought forward away from the east wall to help involve the congregation more in the service. Since 1965 the alter is positioned more central to the congregation so that everyone can join in and experiance the mass. Catholic churches are well decorated, many people decorate with ornate colours as nothing is too good for God. The church includes the stations of the criss which help to stimulate prayer
Explain how the different Catholic significance of Altar or Table
The alter is a place of sacrifice, when the words from the last supper are said we are truly offering up christ in the name of humanity. In return god offers us the body and blood of christ
Explain how the different Catholic significance of Cross, Crucifix or Risen Christ
It is a reminder that jesus gave his life for us
Describe a catholic church built before 1965 and how they were altered
Churches faced jerusalem
It was said in latin
Very few opportunities for congregation to join in
They were built in the shape of a cross.
The altar was against the east wall and the priest didn’t face the people
They were changed to move the alter of the east wall and move the congregation closer to the alter
Describe catholic churches built after 1965
Built to ensure everyone can take part
The seating is as near to the alter as possible
Churches are very ornate using a lot of colour and decoration or motr simple and plain
Either way it is to show respect to god
They have statues of saints
Stations of the cross are used on the walls
When is christ truly present in mass?
In the hosts
In the word from reading from the bible
In the priest
In the church (people)
The central part of the mass is the consecration, it is when the bread and wine turn to the body and blood of christ.
- The external features doesn’t change
- they can share himself in defeat of sin and death
- he says that this is my body