Chapter 7: Trinity Flashcards
What did the second Vatican council say about the use of music in mass? And what does it do for worship?
It unites people in praise
Increases the beauty of worship
Helps people feel more involved in their prayer
It has helped people get more involved in worship. Singing is a physical as well as an emotional one, it has inspired people to become fully involved in the praise of God
How are psalms used in catholic worship?
Psalms are poetry from the old testament, they for, the backbone of the divine office which is normally sung.
They are used during the first and second reading they are short extracts which help people to focus
They centre around the praise of God . They acknowledge that everything that we have comes from God and without God they are nothing.
Explain why the church supports the use of sacred music.
The church uses music as it unites the parish in worship, it allows for everyone (even children) to pray in a fun way. It helps people feel they are more included in the praise and worship of God.
What is the liturgy?
It refers to the practices and rituals that happen during the communal worship of God. Music helps to liven up the liturgy and have everyone take part.
What is plainchant?
It is an ancient form of music which is sung to a limited range of notes, normally in latin to sing the divine office and latin parts during mass.
What are traditional hymns?
Traditional hymns (soul of my saviour), have helped believers lift their hearts and minds to God for years. They are used alongside more modern hymns to help everyone feel included.
What are contemporary worship songs?
contemporary worship songs use drums and guitars rather than the organ. Some people think that the upbeat music distracts them from worshipping God. However others think that it the churches way of responding to the need of modern christians
What are mass settings and how have they been changed?
Mass settings are parts of the mass which must be sung rather than said such as the alleluia or the glory to god.
They are usually intended for performance by a choir of trained singers rather than a congregation.
They have been altered so that the congregation can join in. These mass settings use simple melodies which is contemporary yet suited to worship. It appeals to the whole congregation.
What are acclamations?
They are the specific parts of the mass that highlight celebration.
Describe the acclamation of ‘the gloria’
The gloria is a hymn of praise to God. Many of the musical versions use a more complex arrangement of voices to convey the feeling of thankfulness to god. Isn’t sung during advent and lent
Describe the acclimation of the Alleluia
Alleluia means praise god
At the easter vigil it is sung 3 times to announce the resurrection. It is a hymn of joy, triumph and praise of God.
The alleluia is sung to introduce the gospel, it is sung to greet the presence of christ,the word of God. It is sung frequently in plainchant.
Describe the sanctus.
It is latin for holy and is the first word of the hymn sung before the eucharistic prayer. It includes the phrase ‘holy holy holy’ representing the trinity.
The sanctus can be sung in a reflective manner showing the peace and harmony of the heavenly court where angels and humans gather in the presence of God.
Describe the mystery of faith.
People acclaim the mystery of faith after the consecration. It means that we recognise that the consecration has made present Jesus’s blood and body. It is through this event that God shows his love for his people so it should be sung whole heartedly
What does the triune of God mean?
It stresses that within God there is three-ness
it helps us see god as dynamic and relational.
What does the trinity mean?
Focuses on the distinctive qualities of the three persons: Father, Son and holy spirit. They are separate parts of God however they are one being
It helps to see that god is dynamic and relational
Explain the importance of Deuteronomy 6:4.
Like christians jew believe there is only one God however they don’t believe in the three separate parts of God.
This passage states the oneness of God.
Christians accept that god is one but there are three persons in that one God
How does Matthew 3:16-17 show the trinity?
The belief in one God is essential for a christians faith. Christians view the fact that god is the holy spirit, the son and the father as a mystery.
The trinity of God is shown through Jesus’s baptism.
The spirit is shown through a dove which stays with jesus. The spirit is the bond between father and son
The son is shown through jesus
The father is unseen but his presence is felt through his word
How does baptism relate to the trinity?
When a christian is baptised they become a child of God and a brother or sister to jesus christ. God pours out the holy spirit to unite the person and fill them with grace
What does the nicene creed teach us about the Trinity of God?
God the father is the almighty creator of all things and source of all life.
God the son
-The son always existed, the son shares in the same nature as the father
-there is no distinction between father and son
-Jesus did not have an earthly mother
-he became human to save humans from the separation of God
-Jesus was God on earth
The holy spirit
-the spirit or breath of god gives life to all things
-the spirit comes from father and son
-the spirit is equal in majesty, power and worship to father and son
-the spirit inspires people to know the will of God
What is the trinities role in creation?
The word God is referring to the father, he is the creator
The presence of the holy spirit was involved during the creation
God created by his word. The word of god is the son
How does belief in the trinity influence Christians?
The holy spirit is the love between father and son.
This love is given to us through the holy spirit which is grace. Christians are called to pass on this love with everyone as love is meaningless if it is not shared.
What is mission?
It comes from the word to send out. The church sends people out to care for the needs of people in many different ways. In this we are passing on the grace the holy spirit gave us to someone else.
They believe that they should love others as they love God and as he loves them.
What is evangelism?
It means preaching the gospel by words. Their knowledge and experience of god is so strong they feel the need to spread the word of god.
How is the trinity involved with what Jesus did on earth.
When jesus was baptised the father son and holy spirit where present. The trinity was involved in the salvation brought about through jesus’s life, death and resurrection
How does pauls letter show how relationship of the Trinity can be applied to all believers?
Jesus took on human nature so that people would become closer to god the father
We called god father back then too showing our intimate relationship
It is the spirit of god which allows us to accept this relationship with the father
The spirit is the same that filled jesus showing that we are part of that relationship.
Describe St augustines of hippos work.
God = love
He theorised that love requires three things, two people and the love between them. However as these all reflect one thing they are of one nature.
Love cannot exist on its own it needs someone to give and receive it
Describe Catherine LaCugnas work
What is the authority of the magisterium?
The laying of the hands passes on the holy spirit it is also what passes on apostolic authority-the idea bishops are the appointed successors of the apostles.
A magisterial teaching is a decision of the magisterium which should be accepted by all catholics. A popes decision is infallible
What were the main teachings at the council of nicea?
The son:
The son is eternally begotten from the father, he has no beginning or end
The father and son has always existed together. Co eternal, co equal, of one nature
Holy spirit:
The holy spirit is the lord, giver of life
He proceeds from the father
He is worshiped and glorified along with the father and son
He spoke through the prophets
Describe the symbolism of baptism
The symbolism of the water.
When the person was fully underwater they join jesus in the waters of the tomb. When they are brought back up it is like their resurrection into a new life of the spirit. Nowadays we only sprinkle water but it is the same symbolism.
Water is a symbol of the holy spirit, they are imbued with the same holy spirit that worked with jesus
What is the importance of baptism?
Christians accept baptism as the sign of initiation into belief in christ. Through baptism, the believer becomes a member of the church. They are cleansed of all sin and are given the strength of the holy spirit to resist evil.
Choosing the same shows the responsibility the parents have but also the individuality of the person.
Grace enters the persons life. Baptism is a pledge that when they die they will join god in heaven. They are called to live in the spirit, fulfil all that god made them to be and to join in Christs death
Describe prayer.
Prayer means the raising of heart and mind to God
The highest form of prayer is jesus’s crucifixion
Christians never pray alone as all prayer are united and there will always be someone else in the world praying
Describe traditional prayer
They are prayers passed on for generations. They have the words
laid out for them. People want the words to be calming so that they become open to the presence of God rather than be distracted by words.
When people are upset they can say familiar words which bring comfort to people who want to focus on God. The use of something that is immediately available can be comforting and supportive.
Describe spontaneous prayer
People who pray like this believe that the spirit guides them in what to say
Sometimes a person speaks in tongues where they are taken over by the holy spirit, they don’t know what they are saying, they are taken over by the desire to praise and thank God.
It comes from the heart an reflect how the person is feeling in that moment. Some people think it is mores sinsire at it reflects the individuals relationship with God
Describe kneeling
Shows the person as is submissive to the will of God. It is a posture which acknowledges God as all powerful and that we are humble to him. It is also a position in which the person asks for forgiveness, even though they don’t deserve it but God is all forgiving.
Describe genuflecting
It is used when a person enters or leaves the church as well as if the person is to pass the tabernacle.
It is to show the acknowledgement of christ’s presence
Describe prostration
Lying flat as a sign of total submission, to show that everything comes from God and that they will no longer do what they want but what God wants.
Describe bowing
Bowing is a sign of respect, we revere god and accept him to be great . It is a sign of praise