Chapter 4: Judaism Practices Flashcards
People touch the mezuzah on the doorpost of multiple door of the house. They contain a piece of the Torah.
Beit knesset- house of assembly
Beit tefilah- house of prayer
A place for jewish public prayer, study and gathering
Where do u face when praying in the synagogue
What is the menorah
A seven branched candle stick, it remembers the seven days of creation
Rabbi’s seat/ pupil
From where sermons are delivered
A group of ten men that make jewish worship valid
Seven branched candle. Represents the light of god and the seven days of creation
A holdiaday which lasts for 8 days and nights because the candles burned for eight days instead of one
Star of david
A symbol of judaism, said to represent the shield of king david, who ruled israel in the tenth century
A platform in the torah where the torah is read
Aron hakodesh
The ark-The holiest part of the synagogue from where the Torah scrolls are kept
A jewish religious leader and teacher
Ner tamid
Eternal light, a light that is kept burning in the synagogue above the ark
Orthodox jews
Jews who emphasise the importance of following the laws and guidance in the torah, they believe the torah was given directly bu God to Moses so should be followed as closely as possible
Reform Jew
Jews who believe the laws and guidance in the torah can be adapted for modern times, they believe the torah was inspired by God but written by humans so can be interpreted to the times
Cantor (chazzan)
A person who leads or chants prayers in a synagogue
A prayer shawl
A small leather box containing extract from the torah, strapped to the wearers arm and forehead for morning prayer
Also know as the ‘standing prayer’, it is the central prayer for jewish worship
The jewish holy day of the week, a day of spiritual renewal starting shortly before sunset on Friday and continuing to sunset on Saturday
The 24 books of jewish scriptures
The five books revealed by God to Moses
The first section of the tenakh and the jewish written law
The second section of the , the prophets
The third section of the tenakh, the writings
The first written version of jewish oral law, part of the talmud
A commentary on the mishnah, part of the talmud
A commentary by the rabbis on the torah, it consists of the mishnah and gemara together in one collection
Religious ceremonies that are performed according to a set pattern.
Brit milah
Ceremony of male circumcision, the removal of the foreskin for religious reasons
Bar mitzvah
Celebration of a boy coming of age at 13, literally ‘son of the commandment’
Bat mitzvah
Celebration of a girl coming of age at 12 in reform synagogues, literally daughter of the commandment
A legal union between a man and a woman or man and man or woman and woman in a relationship
A period of time spent remembering a person who has died
An intense period of mourning which lasts for seven days
A prayer said by jewish mourners that praises God and asks for peace
Dietary laws
Rules that deal with foods permitted to be eaten, food preparation, food combinations and the utensils and dishes coming into contact with food
Food that meets the requirements of jewish laws
Food that jews are forbidden to eat means torn
Rosh hashanah
The jewish new year
Yom kippur
The day of atonement, a day of fasting on the tenth day after rosh Hashanah
Festival in remembrance of the jewish exodus from Egypt that is celebrated in spring
What happens in the synagogue?
What is meant by Beit k’nesset?
It means house of assembly- The synagogue
How might a synagogue be recognised form the outside?
It will have a star of david somewhere on the outside
Why are pictures of animals or humans not found in the synagogue?
The second of the ten commandments forbids making and worshipping idols of humans or animals
Why do some jews use the word shul when referring to the synagogue?
Many orthodox jews refers to it this way, it means school or place of study
Explain the importance of the synagogue to the jewish community.
The Jews don’t just see the synagogue as a place of worship they see it as a place of education and study, prayer, social and charitable work, as well as a social centre. An important part is the education aspect with some synagogues having classes on learning things about the faith and the jewish language. They have a social hall which is used for religious and non-religious activities. It also acts as a sort if town hall where they can discuss religious and social issues. All this together puts together the importance of the synagogue as it is a centre for all jewish people for everything.
Name three features that can be found in the prayer hall of the synagogue
The Bimah, The ark, Ner tamid
Explain the importance of the ark to jews
It is regarded as the holiest place in the synagogue, this is because it is where the sacred torah scrolls are kept and because it represent the original Ark of the covenant. It is important because the original stone tablets were kept in the ark in the temple in Jerusalem
Why is the ner tamid kept burning at all times
Each synagogue has a light that is kept burning at all times. It symbolises Gods presence and so it is never put out.
Describe the Bimah and its purpose in worship.
It is a raised platform situated in most synagogues in the very centre, it is used when reading the torah. To some it is a reminder that the alter was the central feature of the courtyard of the temple of jersusalem
How are features in the synagogue like the temple in Jerusalem?
The temple in Jerusalem was the first jewish temple and so everything in the synagogue has been inspired by the original.
Ner tamid- was an oil lantern in Jerusalem
Bimah- was a central feature of the courtyard
Ark- contained the stone tablets
Name two different groups of Jews in the UK
Orthodox jews
Reform jews
Why do orthodox jews and reform jews act differently?
Orthodox jews believe that the Torah was given directly to Moses by God and so should follow them exactly. Reform jews believe the Torah was written by humans and can be adapted to modern day life.
Explain the worship for orthodox jews
In orthodox synagogues:
- the person leading has their back to the congregation so he is facing the ark. He prays facing the same direction as everyone.
- the service is in Hebrew and singing in accompanied.
- men and women sit separately.
- women aren’t allowed to be rabbis
- men always cover their heads when attending the services
Explain the worship for reform jews
In reform synagogues:
- they do not hold daily services
- all men and women sit together
- the person leading faces the congregation
- women can be rabbis and have more rights
- reform services are shorter but more structured
- they are conducted in english as well as Hebrew
- there is an organ
Why do orthodox jews wear the tallit and teffillin
The tallit reminds jews that they are obeying gods word whenever they were it
The tefillin reminds jews that there total concentration should be on god during prayers
Explain why prayer is important in judaism
Jews believe it is vital for communicating with God. They believe prayer brings them closer to God as it enables them to focus their hearts minds and souls on him. It reinforces their faith and strengthens the sense of jewish community
Give three reasons why shabbat is very special to jews
It is seen as a gift from god for rest and relaxation
It follows the genesis story of god relaxing on the seventh day
A way for family’s to come together without Tv or internet
What do jews do to get ready for shabbat?
They do all the cooking, cleaning, shopping is done in advance, no work is to be done on Shabbat
What services take place during shabbat?
- short 45min service mainly for children with games music and stories. At the end the kiddush is recited
- Saturday morning longer service than the rest, contains a reading from the torah and a sermon
What is shabbat
The jewish ho,y day of the week, a day of spiritual renewal starting shortly before sunset on Friday and continuing to sunset on Saturday
The torah during shabbat
Congregation will stand when the torah scrolls are taken out.
The scroll is dressed with a cover and ornaments
It is paraded round the synagogue
The daily reading is said before it is paraded again around the synagogue
What do jews do to prepare for shabbat?
House cleaned, food prepared, family washes and wears clean clothes.
The table is set with good crockery. Two commandments to represent the two commandments to remember shabbat.
Wine and challah bread. Wine drunk from kiddush cup it symbolises joy and celebration
Lighting the candles during shabbat
Female lights the candles. Eighteen mins before sunset, once lit she welcomes in shabbat. She says a prayer to bless the family.
The Friday meal during shabbat
The head of the household holds the kiddush cup and recites the kiddush blessing. Each family member washes hands to purify them. A piece of bread is sprinkled with salt and passed round so everyone can have a piece . The meal can last for hours were the family enjoy each others company.
It ends with a prayer of thanks for the food.
Saturday of shabbat
The family enjoys a special meal in their home. Then there is another smaller meal before sunset. The end of shabbat comes after the havdalah service
What is shabbat
The jewish ho,y day of the week, a day of spiritual renewal starting shortly before sunset on Friday and continuing to sunset on Saturday
The torah during shabbat
Congregation will stand when the torah scrolls are taken out.
The scroll is dressed with a cover and ornaments
It is paraded round the synagogue
The daily reading is said before it is paraded again around the synagogue
What do jews do to prepare for shabbat?
House cleaned, food prepared, family washes and wears clean clothes.
The table is set with good crockery. Two commandments to represent the two commandments to remember shabbat.
Wine and challah bread. Wine drunk from kiddush cup it symbolises joy and celebration
Lighting the candles during shabbat
Female lights the candles. Eighteen mins before sunset, once lit she welcomes in shabbat. She says a prayer to bless the family.
The Friday meal during shabbat
The head of the household holds the kiddush cup and recites the kiddush blessing. Each family member washes hands to purify them. A piece of bread is sprinkled with salt and passed round so everyone can have a piece . The meal can last for hours were the family enjoy each others company.
It ends with a prayer of thanks for the food.
Saturday of shabbat
The family enjoys a special meal in their home. Then there is another smaller meal before sunset. The end of shabbat comes after the havdalah service
Worship in the home and private prayer
Every day brings the opportunity to worship God
They pray to stand and pray silently if alone
Mezuzah contains pieces of torah and is a sign of respect and reminder of Gods law.
What is the tenakh?
The jewish sacred scriptures are know as the tenakh, it contains 24 books grouped into three parts.
Torah-five books pf moses
Nevi’im-books that continue to trace history and expand on the laws in the Torah
Ketuvim-eleven books that contain a collection of poetry, stories, histirocal accounts and more
What is the talmud?
The oral law was the teachings of jews passed down through word of mouth. The talmud is the product after each section was debated extensively. It is regarded as one of the most important sources of information for jews.
The importance of rituals in Jewish family life
The family is where the jewish faith is passed on and preserved on to the next generation. 4 ceremonies are celebrated. Birth, coming of age, marriage and death
What is the naming ceremony?
Boy named after circumcision, 8 days later
Girls named a month later.
In reform both will be announced the next shabbat
What is the Brit-Milah?
Ceremony where they slice the skin of their childs dick without the consent of the new born who will wake up in 10 years are realise they don’t have any fucking foreskin.
What is the redemption of the firstborn son?
5 silver coins to get them out of priesthoodq
Importance of marriage for jews
Two souls bonded together, not just a loving relationship.
The couple are set aside for each other and no other. It cant be broken.
The couple will live together a year before but wont plan their life together. A wedding contract is drawn up which includes stuff about wills and who gets what. In reform its more spiritual
In the shabbat before marriage they do a torah blessing, the congregation have a small food celebration. This is the last time they see each other before wedding day.
The wedding
It can be conducted anywhere but not on festival day.
Done under a chuppa to symbolise couples home
The betrothel ceremony happens first and the couple exchange plain rings and they say a blessing over wine.
After this the contract is signed, someone then recites 7 vows
The husband breaks glass
When someone first dies
Parents rip clothes over heart
Relatives rip over right side
When they hear of a death they make ablessing
Once burial takes place a meal of bread and egg is prepared by someone else to show new life
Shiva- seven days if intense mourning starts day of burial.
- low stools or floor
- no leather shoes
- appearance doesn’t matter so mirrors are covered
- 3 daily prayers
30 days of lesser mourning
- no music
- no shaving or parties
- kaddish said daily
11months of mourning
- no parties
- children continue to say kaddish for a parent
The funeral
Buried asap
Candles lit beside coffin before burial and someone stays with it. Body os placed in simple coffin showing equality.
-done in cemetery
-scriptures and readings said, 20 min service
-everyine leaves the cemetery
-mark a grave with stones not flowers
Origins of pesach
Remembrance of the jews being freed from slavery
Prep for pesach
Eating unleavened bread. Removing leaven from their homes.
The passover sedar
Pesach lasts 7 or 8 days, on the eve of pesach they eat a meal.
The mother lights candles to welcome festival into home