Chapter 2: Peace And Conflict Flashcards
Bringing about what is right and fair
Just war theory
a theory to determine wether it is right to go to war and how to act in war
Last resort
Beliefs that in a war all peacefull measures have been attempted first
Just cause
Belief that in a just war the reason of war should be fair
Legitimate authority
Belief that in just war the person who initiated the war should be of Legitimate authority
Right intention
In just war the purpose of the war must be to make peace
Principle of descrimination
Belief that in a Just War that civilians should not be targeted
Behaviour of troops
Belief that in a Just War that you can control your armed
Reasonable chance of success
Belief that in a Just War the war is winnable
Belief that in a Just War that the damage caused by going to
war should not outweigh the damage caused by not going to
Holy war
A war fought by a religion as a way to defend or further their
A holy war fought be Christians to reclaim the holy land
The belief that all war and violence is wrong.
People that have a belief in pacifism
Conscientious objectors
A person, usually a pacifist, who chooses not to fight in war
due to opposing violence
The unlawful use of violence, usually against innocent people,
to achieve a political goal.
Weapon of mass destruction
Weapon that can kill large numbers of people and/or cause
great damage
When people learn extreme views on religious, social or
political issues
The suffering or death of a martyr
A person who suffers or dies for their beliefs
The use of severe physical or physiological pain of punish
someone or force them to give information.
Nuclear weapon
Weapons that work by creating a nuclear reaction in order to
devastate huge areas and kill large numbers of people.
Chemical weapon
Weapons that use chemicals to harm humans and destroy the
natural environment.
Biological weapon
Weapons that use living organisms to cause disease or death.
restoration of harmony after relationships have broken down
Showing grace and mercy, forgiving someone for what they
have done
Righteous anger
Anger against an injustice and the motivation to put it right
Using actions that threaten or harm others
Deliberate intimidation of a person through words or actions
The methods of trying to establish peace
Conflict resolution
Creating peace between two parties
Non-Violent resistance
Resisting a government by peaceful protest
A denomination of Christians who believe that violence is
always wrong