Chapter 6: Incarnation Flashcards
Translation is ‘becoming flesh’
It is a fundamental doctrine of christian faith that God became fully human in the person of Jesus. He loves the human race so much he was prepared to share it to the fullest extent.
The moment when God asked mary to conceive and give birth to the Son of God.
Jesus means saviour or son of the most high. The statement that he will reign over the house of Israel forever shows that in him all Gods promises to the Jews will be fulfilled.
Birth of jesus
He is the son of the most high and his name means saviour. It gave the jewish people hope
The word was God
God is the word and he created everything. The word of God is inside God and is Gods self expression. That is why it is true to say the word was god.
The word became flesh
The embodiment of Gods word in Jesus as the flesh who spread the word of God
Son of man
Can be used in two ways: a title for a normal human like ‘one would do something’ or a human who has been given power by god.
When jesus talked about the suffering that he would have to go through he called himself the son of man. If jesus wasn’t fully man the pain and suffering wouldn’t have bothered him
Son of God
When Jesus stood at trial the high priest asked if he was the son of God he replied ‘I am’. God said this to moses when he revealed himself. With this reply he acknowledge that he shared in God’s power. He also called himself the son of man emphasising his divinity as well as his humanity.
In the resurrection he sat with God, no one can become God so he must have been God
A symbol of a fish that translates from greek into Jesus christ,son of god, saviour. Used to indicate if they were a christian or not.
Alpha and omega
A symbol made from the first and last letters of the greek alphabet. They are used to show that God is the beginning and end of everything
Chi Rho
A symbol to represent Jesus made up of the two first letter of his name in greek. It is a reminder that Jesus died and is the messiah.
Sacred heart
It usually will include the following features:
-A representation of Jesus showing his burning love for everyone
-Holes in hands
-An expression of peace and love
-a crown of thorns round his heart
-a piercing through the heart
They reflect the total human love that jesus has for all people.
A representation of the cross in which he died on.
It is a reminder of the pain and suffering which he went through
Jesus/god in art
That he shouldn’t be made into art:
- God is infinite it is not possible to show him in finite means
- breaks the second commandment
- when people pray to a statue it is as if they are praying to the statue as God rather than a stimulus.
- statutes give people the wrong idea, we think of God as an old guy with a beard
Sermon on the mount
Jesus gives a new set of rules (Jesus as the lawgiver) he makes the rules a lot more difficult such as instead of murder it is to not be angry as well as instead of adultery it is to not look at women lustfully. It it supposed ro make people feel in control of their lives.
The beatitudes
Jesus opens his sermon on the mount sermon with a call to people to change their attitudes, this part is know as the beatitudes. It is asking people to be open to changing their ideas about the ten commandments.
Parable of sheep and goat.
Here Jesus tells his followers that they need to care for people in need. Even a follower of Jesus will be damned if they ignore a person in need. However a normal person can be granted heaven if they are a good person and care for people
St. Irenaeus about Jesus
- The son was with the father from the beginning
- Jesus spoke through the old testament prophets and inspired people
- It is through the word (Jesus) that we receive gods free gift of grace
- We cant see God however we see god in Jesus we can only see physical things
- Jesus is the perfect human being and we should follow him
- The qualities we value in jesus are values of God.
Dei verbum 4 on Jesus
God is revealed through Jesus and speaks through Jesus, jesus defeats sin and brings salvation to all
He is sent as a man to be among his people, this stresses his human nature.
Verbum domini 12 on jesus
God deliberately limited himself so that we could make sense of him
As human Jesus was fully in tune with Gods will and what he needs to do no matter the cost.
when he dies he gives himself into gods hands and is glorified through this process
Gods free gift of unconditional love to the believer come from the trinity. It pours into peoples lives allowing the, to live the divine life. The believer has the ability to ignore accept this gift. The incarnation is the ultimate sign of Gods grace
Gods show of invisible grace through a visible action, it is an outward sign of inward grace
Water is poured over the head and the person is welcomed into the family of God and washed of original sin
The receiving of the wine and bread. You enter into union with Jesus physically and spiritually
The anointing with the oil of chrism. You are now an adult in the church. You receive the gifts of the holy spirit
Absolution of sins. Your sins are absolved. You are reunited with God. The laying of hands
The marriage vows. You start a married life with your partner
Lying on the floor laying of hands being vested. Ability to administer all sacraments
Sacrament of the sick
Laying of hands oil of the sick. Cleaning of sins. Spiritual and or physical healing
Imago dei
Every human is made in the image of God. Every human bean has dignity and life. No human bean should be harmed or killed deliberately. The zygote is a human bean
Killing an unborn human is not allowed from the moment of conception.
The zygote is when life starts to develop so killing it is murder.
The role of Joseph in the birth of Jesus? And the accounts of Matthew and Luke.
Jospeh wasn’t the father of Abraham, he was the husband of mary. Jesus was conceived via the power of God.
He is shown as someone who is willing to accept Gods plan. God chooses the name Jesus-this shows God as his father.
The accounts of Matthew and Luke were:
-mary was a virgin
-god worked through humans to make his plan come about
-jesus was conceived by the power of the holy spirit
-an angel announced the birth of jesus
In the beginning was the word
John is showing that the word existed before all things. John is stressing that the word is an eternal being.
The word was with God
It indicates that whilst the word and god are the same being there is still some distinction between them. The word comes from God, everything that exists depends on the word of God.
The word as an expression of Love
The word is the expression of Gods love for humans. The word Grace means free gift, jesus is Gods gift to the human race. He doesn’t force people to accept him but opens his arms to anyone.
The influence of the incarnation on art
When god became man he took on the limitations of humanity so he is no longer finite so he can be represented as a human in this form.
Whilst we don’t know what jesus looked like any depiction of Jesus with human qualities is fine
Christ the redeemer
Outstretched arms look like cross-make us remember his sacrifice
Also shows how he is welcoming to everyone
What are the different attitudes which we have to sculptures, statues and images of Jesus
- Second commandment forbids images to worship
- it is wrong to try and depict Jesus as we don’t know what he looked like
- Jesus as the son of God is infinite, we shouldn’t try and represent him in a finite form
- however some think that it can help people concentrate on aspects of jesus life and teachings.
Jesus as fully God and fully man
-When the focus is too much on Jesus as god we can start to believe that he only appeared to be human but wasn’t really.
-when the focus is too much on jesus as man there’s a tendency to be
Ive that he wasn’t god at all but a good human bean