Chapter 5: Creation Flashcards
God as the maker/constructor
The creation of our universe by God
Genesis 1
God created earth in 7 days
Genesis 2
God created humas and had adam name the animals
Almighty, having unlimited power
All knowing
All loving
Adam and eve
The first humans created by god but also betrayed him by eating the apple
Creation of adam
Gen 1 he was made from dust, gen 2 he was made and had life breathed into him
Free will
The idea that god gave us free will to do whatever we want
Sanctity of life
That all life is precious
Old testament
History books, wisdom books, law, prophets
New testament
Gospels, acts of the apostles, epistles revelations
History books
Stories of how Jesus guided his people and how some didn’t listen , they were there to make later generations no do the same
Wisdom books
Prayers, phsalms books of advice, poems, show how doing as god says is right
Law books
The first five books which show how the jews became people of god
Prophetic books
Containing the words of inspired figures who were sent by god to teach people about god
Acts of the apostles
A continuation of luke which tells us the events of the early church
Matthew mark luke john, to record the teachings of jesus
Which show christians how to live by jesus teaching and what it means to follow jesus- they are letters
authors and editors of the Bible were led or influenced by God with the result that their writings may be designated in some sense the word of God.
Book of revelations
An apocalyptic prophecy written by john, some believ it to be the end of the world
The magesterium makes the word of god relevant to the modern world
They believe that every word in the bible is accurate
Natural law
Are the moral principles and values that are considered to be inherent in every human
Since god created it we should take care of it, domt kill animals or wildlife
Natural law-precepts
Preservation of life, reproduction, orderly living, nurturing, god question
By changing your own actions or beliefs you an influence those around you
Catholic agency for oversea development
Only using natural resources at a rate where they can be replaced
Creation of humans in genesis 2?
God breathed life into adam (created from dust) , eve created from Adams bone
Creation of universe in genesis 1
Light, stars, land sea, day night, bird fish, animals, humans
The understanding and use of natural law
That all humans were born with the knowledge of common moral rules . E.g. dont kil
The catholic church in relation to science
They shouldn’t oppose each other because the universe and those who study it are all guided by god
Describe each section of the Old testament
The law- Is the first 5 books which show how jews became the people of God and were guided by Jesus through 10 commands.
The history books- They show how god guided his people but lots refused to listen. They are included to help people not make the same mistake again.
The wisdom books- includes prayers, psalms and books of advice to help people live right and to stay close to God
The prophets- contains the words of inspired figures who were sent to teach non Christians about God and to make sure people kept faith
Describe each section of the new testament and the rules which they passed to be part of it.
The gospels- recorded the actions and teachings of Jesus
The acts of the apostles- tells us some events if the early church
The epistles- which show christians how to live by Jesus’s teachings and what it means to be a christian
The book of revelation- an apocalyptic books which talks about the end of time
They passed 4 rules.
- the authority behind the material had to be one of the apostles
- they were written early on
- they matched other presentation of christian belief
- They were accepted by all Christian churches