Chapter 8: Psychosocial Development in Early Childhood Flashcards
Sense of self; descriptive and evaluative
mental picture of one’s abilities and traits.
Cluster of characteristics used to
describe oneself.
The self one would like to be.
representational mappings
In neo-Piagetian terminology, second
stage in development of self-defi nition,
in which a child makes logical connec-
tions between aspects of the self but
still sees these characteristics in all-
or-nothing terms.
ideal self
The self one actually is.
real self
The judgment a person makes about
his or her self-worth.
Awareness, developed in early
childhood, that one is male or female.
gender identity
Behaviors, interests, attitudes, skills, and
traits that a culture considers appro-
priate for each sex; diff er for males and
gender roles
Socialization process whereby children,
at an early age, learn appropriate
gender roles.
Preconceived generalizations about
male or female role behavior.
gender stereotypes
Play involving repetitive large muscular
functional play
Play involving imaginary people or
situations; also called pretend play,
fantasy play, or imaginative play .
dramatic play
Play involving use of objects or
materials to make something.
constructive play
Use of physical force with the intention
of causing pain but not injury so as to
correct or control behavior.
corporal punishment
In Baumrind’s terminology, parenting
style emphasizing control and
authoritarian parenting
In Baumrind’s terminology, parenting
style blending respect for a child’s indi-
viduality with an eff ort to instill social
authoritative parenting