Chapter 8 - MT Protocols Flashcards
Music therapy protocol
Set of procedures, plans, interventions, and systems to support meeting client’s goals and objectives
Research designs with lowest validity and generalization
Individual case reports and case series
Case reports
Studies of one person or group
Case series
Collect data from multiple individuals, identifying outcomes of similar clinical interventions
Case control studies
- use epidemiological methodologies
- examine difference between groups of people with certain diagnosis or particular treatment plan
Cohort studies
- examine segment of people who have engaged in treatment over time
- look at their progress
- typically conducted through naturalistic observation
Randomized control trial
- experimental design involving random assignment to treatment conditions
Systematic reviews
- select studies related to research question based on criteria
- look for trends and outcomes
Interpretive research
- takes into account social and cultural contexts through subjective experience
Baker’s Six Steps to interpret evidence and apply to clinical practive
- State primary question regarding of selection of:
- intervention
- context
- clinical orientation
- dose - Identify relevant research examining:
- similar clientele
- interventions
- alternative interventions
- outcomes
- purpose of intervention - Critically evaluate quality and applicability
- Discuss research with client to assess options
- Develop a plan collaboratively with client
- Implement intervention and document progress
- systematic review uses this acronym
- Patient, population, or problem
- Intervention
- Control or comparison
- Outcome
- Timing
- Setting
Insight therapy
- emphasis on projection of feelings through musical experience
Re-educative therapy
- self-growth through readjustment or behavioural change
Reconstructive therapy
Focuses on reorganization of the personality
- musical stimulus is phased out
- enables each person to maintain prescribed deep breathing in the absence of background music
Cochrane Library
- collection of databases that contains scientific evidence to inform healthcare decisions and practices
Dalcroze Eurhythmics
- emphasizes an individual’s natural musicality as awakened by rhythmic movement and improvisation
Transfer of effects to other behaviours, stimuli, conditions
- approach to music education by Carl Orff that emphasizes creative experience, natural abilities and sounds, the pentatonic scale, ostinati patterns
- framework that describes interventions, the procedures to implement them, and rules or systems for clinical decision-making