Chapter 6 - Goals, Objectives, and Target Responses Flashcards
Target behaviour
- Set of responses which therapy is directed towards
- Should relate to the the reason for referral
Setting Goals
- Goals indicate expected outcomes in the target area
- Long-term or short-term
Criteria for selecting goals and target responses
- Value
- Prerequisites
- Interference
- Referral
- Agreement
- Success
- Foundation
- Efficiency
- Does behaviour have major impact on functioning
- Could change in this area positively affect other related behaviours
Is the goal too far from their present behaviour
Are there any inappropriate social behaviours that interfere with achievement of the goal
Was the client referred for a specific area of remediation or improvement
- Do others agree that this is the most appropriate target area?
- Does client agree (if capable) for this to be the focus?
- High probability that this behaviour can be changed
- Does MT have sufficient control over the behaviour
- Evidence that this behaviour truly requires change
- Reason to believe that MT is the most appropriate treatment for this goal
Defining Target Responses
- definition must be extremely precise, presenting clearly observable behaviours
- Should have a high degree of inter-observer reliability
Complete target response definition should include:
- A descriptor
- Boundaries of the behaviour
- Observational information
- Borderline responses
A Descriptor
Concise descriptive term for the target response
Boundaries of the behaviour
Detailed explanations of where, when, and what responses must occur
Observational information
Whether the response is discrete or continuous
Borderline responses
Examples of behaviours that constitute target responses and those that are similar but should not be considered
Terminal objective
- defines the accomplishment of a goal
Short-term objective
- relates to overall goal
- higher probability of being realized in a shorter and more reasonable length of time
Long-term objective
- may refer to a period of months or a lifetime
- meeting this implies that therapy will cease
- Specific
- Measurable
- Achievable
- Realistic
- Time frame