Chapter 8 Embryology And Histology Flashcards
Enamel forming cells are
Denton forming cells are
Cementum forming cells are
Cells that resorb cementum are
Cells that resorb bone
Embryology is the study of
Prenatal development
Histology is the study of
Structure and function of tissues of the teeth
Prenatal development
Begins at the start of pregnancy and continues until birth
The primitive mouth
The stomodeum and primitive pharynx merge to form part of the mouth during what week of prenatal development
4th week
Outer layer
Middle layer
Inner layer
Enamel developmental tooth organ
Enamel organ, in the ectoderm layer
Dentin developmental tooth organ
Dental papilla in the mesoderm
Cementum developmental tooth organ
Dental sac, mesoderm
Pulp developmental tooth organ
Dental papilla, endoderm
Pulp forming cells
What replaces bone
What removes bone
First brachial arch
Maxillary process and mandibular process
Second brachial arch
Hyoid arch
Third brachial arch
Forms body of the hyoid and posterior of tongue
Fourth, fifth and sixth brachial arches
Form structures of lower throat, thyroid cartilage and muscles and nerves of pharynx and larynx
The development of the soft and hard palate occurs when
during 5th week of development- week 8-12
Primary palate
Shelf that supersets oral and nasal cavities
Secondary palate
Final palate formed, will extend to form soft palate
Fusion of the palate begins and completes
9th week, ends in 12th week
3 stages of palate development
Primary palate, secondary palate and fusion of the palate
Disruption in the fusion of the palate will result in a
Cleft lip/palate
Developmental disturbance factors
Genetic- tooth and jaw size or dental anomalies
Environmental- teratogens
All primary teeth are developed by what week
17th week
At birth there are how many teeth in various stages of development
44 teeth
Ondotogenesis is the process of
Tooth formation
Bud stage
Also known as initiation
- formation of tooth begins
Cap stage
Also known as proliferation
- cells of developing tooth increase
Bell stage
Also known as histodifferentiation and morphodifferentiation
- different tissues of the tooth form and shape is established
During bud stage:
Ectoderm cells thicken forming the dental lamina
Dental lamina
Thick band of oral epithelium that follows the curve of each developing arch
Tooth buds
Enlargements produced by the formation of dental lamina
Succedaneous teeth
Permanent teeth that replace primary teeth
Dental papilla
Gingiva between the teeth
Dental sac
Connective tissue that envelops the developing tooth
Ameloblasts deposit soft matrix of enamel
Odontoblasts deposit soft matrix of dentin
Deposits of calcium, phosphorus and other minerals to strengthen structure
Starts from the crown and moves toward root
Enamel defect, small pinpoint hole
Grooves on biting surface
November of tooth into its functional position in the oral cavity
Primate spaces
Spaces between primary teeth