Chapter 8 Definitions Flashcards
Define variable
A named data store that contains a value that may change during the execution of a program
Define constant
A named data store that contains a value that does not change during the execution of a program
Define declare
Define the value and data type of a variable or constant
Define integer
A positive or negative whole number that can be used with mathematical operators
Define real number
A positive or negative number with a fractional part; Real numbers can be used with mathematical operators
Define char
A variable or constant that is a single character
Define string
A variable or constant that is several characters in length. Strings vary in length and may even have no characters (an empty string); the characters can be letters and/or digits and/or any other printable symbol
Define sequence
The order in which the steps in a program are executed
Define selection
Allowing the selection of different paths through the steps of a program
Define iteration
A section of programming code that can be repeated under certain conditions
Define counting
Keeping track of the number of times an action is performed
Define totalling
Keeping a total that values are added to
Define operator
A special character or word in a programming language that identifies an action to be performed
Define arithmetic operator
An operator that is used to perform calculations
Define logic operator
An operator that is used to decide the path to take through a program if the expression formed is true or false
Define Boolean operator
An operator that is used with logical operators to form more complex expressions
Define nesting
The inclusion of one type of code construct inside another
Define procedure
A set of programming statements grouped together under a single name that can be called to perform a task in a program, rather than including a copy of the code every time the task is performed
Define function
A set of programming statements grouped together under a single name which can be called to perform a task in a program, rather than including a copy of the code every time; just like a procedure except a function will return a value back to the main program
Define parameters
The variables in a procedure or function declaration that store the values of the arguments passed from the main program to a procedure or function
Define MOD
An arithmetic operator that returns the remainder of a division; different languages use different symbols for this operation
Define DIV
An arithmetic operator that returns the quotient (whole number part) of a division; different languages use different symbols for this operation
Define ROUND
A library routine that rounds a value to a given number of decimal places
A library routine that generates a random number
Define array
A data structure containing several elements of the same data type; these elements can be accessed using the same identifier name
Define index
Identifies the position of an element in an array
Define file
A collection of data stored by a computer program to be used again