Chapter 8: Connective and Muscle Tissues Flashcards
What color does muscle stain in both the Masson and Gomori trichromes?
Red in paraffin sections and bluish green in frozen sections.
What stain best demonstrates elastic tissue?
The Verhoeff-van Gieson
What is the first step in most Reticulin processes?
What chemical does the Verhoeff method differentiate with?
A mordant (ferric chloride)
What color does the Van Gieson stain collagen?
Collagen is stained red and muscle tissue is stained yellow.
Bouin solution functions in the Masson trichrome stain as a/n:
A mordant because tissue fixed in formalin will react poorly with the Masson trichrome stain.
What are the two components of the Van Gieson solution?
Picric acid and acid fuchsin.
Gomori aldehyde fuchsin solution contains:
Basic fuchsin, hydrochloric acid and paraldehyde.
Most silver stains use what as a toning agent?
Gold chloride.
What is the reducing agent in most Reticulin stains?
How does the PTAH stain show color?
It is polychromatic, 1 solution gives 2 major colors.
What kind of tissue is a good control for reticulin stains?
Toluidine blue is used to demonstrate what kind of cells?
Mast cells.
The component of basement membranes that is usually demonstrated with special stains is:
What stain might be used to demonstrate cirrhosis of the liver?
The Masson trichrome.
In the Masson trichrome, how is Biebrich scarlet removed from the collagen?
Phosphotungstic acid.
What stain is routinely used to look for adipose tissue?
Oil red O, but the Sudan black B and the osmium tetroxide can also be used.
What are the three types of muscle fibers?
Skeletal (striated, voluntary), Cardiac (Striated, involuntary) and Smooth (non-striated and involuntary)
What stain is routinely used to look for Plasma cells?
Methyl green pyronin (MGP).
Iron hematoxylin is usually used in trichrome stains instead of aluminum hematoxylin because:
Subsequent staining solutions are acidic and this would decolorize the aluminum hematoxylin stained sections.
What is the preferred fixative for Masson trichrome stains?
Bouin solution.
Silver impregnation stains for reticulin depend on the formation of what kind of chemical group?
Aldehyde groups.
The diamine silver complex is formed by the reaction between silver and:
Ammonium hydroxide.
Sections for the demonstration of basement membrane should be cut at:
2 microns.
What kind of section does the Oil Red O require?
It requires a frozen section.
What kind of cancer would the Oil Red O demonstrate?
What is a good example of physical staining?
The Oil Red O because the stain is absorbed by the fat.
What chemical fixes and maintains fat in tissue?
Osmium tetroxide.
What stain can demonstrate plasma cells?
The methyl green-pyronin stain.
When ferric ammonium sulfate is used in a silver stain for reticulin, it functions as the:
Mallory PTAH solution is ripened for immediate use by:
Potassium permanganate.
When used in a silver stain for reticulum, phosphomolybdic acid functions as the:
The Verhoeff Van Gieson stain shows both orange collagen and muscle. How can this be corrected in the future?
The picric acid needs to be saturated.
The Masson trichrome stain shows only faint grayish pink staining of the muscle. How can this be prevented in the future?
The glassware may not have been chemically cleaned.
Agentaffin cells in the epithelium of the stomach and small intestine are known as what?
Enterochromaffin cells.
Which of the following is used in acid-fast staining procedures to enhance staining and aid in dissolving the fuchsin dye?
True epithelial cells lining brain ventricles and the spinal canal are called what?
Ependymal cells.
Solutions of anionic dyes in picric acid are used to demonstrate:
Both collagen and muscle.
What pigment is stained with Sudan black B and carbol fuchsin?
Transitional epithelium refers to what?
Urothelium, it is commonly found in the bladder.
What kind of elastic stain performs well after any fixative, gives intense black staining of coarse fibers, must be differentiated microscopically and gives permanent results with little fading?
Verhoeff elastic stain (its called a VVG at our lab).
What material is stained blue during the Masson Trichrome stain?
What is a technique that us used to demonstrate lipids in paraffin sections?
Fixation with osmium tetroxide.
The reducing agent in diamine silver procedures for retic demonstration is most frequently:
What is the most basic component of the CNS?
Neuron, they are nerve cells.
Which of the following combination of stains will demonstrate both the myelin sheath and nerve fibers?
The Luxol fast blue and Holmes dual stain.
What is the most reliable technique for demonstrating fungi in tissues?
The GMS, but a PASF(D) can be substituted (we’re doing this now).
In addition to hematoxylin and potassium or ammonium alum, a traditional solution of Mayer hematoxylin contains:
95% alcohol, glycerol and acetic acid.
For light microscopic evaluation it is generally necessary to use special stains to demonstrate fungi in tissue sections because:
Fungi are inconspicuous with regular H&E stains and cannot be seen.
What staining procedure is most suitable for demonstrating general tissue morphology?
H&E staining.