Chapter 8/9 - Informal/formal reports Flashcards
What is an informal report?
- it is for internal communications and usually solicited by someone in authority
- the most common types of are incident, progress, expense, or information/evaluation reports
What is the general format of an informal report?
- is brief and to the point in use memo format
- it always has an intro, background, report, and conclusion
- if it is more than three pages it’s considered formal
What is a progress report?
- it updates stakeholders on progress
- it keeps track of what has been done, what needs to be done, any problems and possible solutions
What is the format of a progress report?
– summary: what is the project, goals/objectives
– background: addresses why project was started
– planned work: work expected to be completed
– completed work: which tasks are done
– challenges: any difficulties experienced and how they have been addressed (to reassure reader)
– schedule: outlines schedule for work going forward
– future plans: work be completed
– conclusion: restate work completed, work to be completed, problems, etc.
– evidence: optional section like an appendix
What is an incident report?
- it is for when a serious issue like an accident, technological issue or malfunction occurs
What is the format of an incident report
- introduction
- investigation
- assessment
- conclusion
- recommendations
What is an expense report?
- it is when you’re spending the companies money and want to claim expenses for reimbursement
- goal is to get detailed information of costs and provide solid rationale for expense
What is the format of an expense report?
- introduction
- activities
- benefits
- costs
- conclusion
- recommendations
- attachments
What is an information/evaluation report?
- they are a report on information/research and is not particularly persuasive
- an evaluation report asks for your recommendations on the information
What is the format of information/evaluation report?
- intro
- overview/background
- methodology
- findings
- assessment (only eval)
- conclusion
What is a formal report?
- used for external audiences or for internal audiences if topic is serious in nature
- written in a formal tone
- at least three pages in length & never use memo format
What is the format of a formal report?
- cover page
- table contents
- executive summary
- follows format of informal report types