Chapter 8 Flashcards
What are the five components to health related physical fitness?
Cardio Muscular strength Muscular endurance Flexibility Body composition
Cardio fitness
The ability to supply oxygen rich blood to skeletal muscles during a workout by the circulatory and respiratory systems
Integrated cardio respiratory training
Cardio resp training programs that systematically progress clients through various stages to achieve optimal levels of physiologic physical and performance adaptations by placing stress on the cardio system
Frequency Intensity Time Type Enjoyment
The number of training sessions in a given timeframe
The level of demand that a given activity places on the body
The length of time an individual is engaged in a given activity
The type of physical activity that an individual is engaged in
The amount of pleasure derived from performing a physical activity
Maximal oxygen consumption
The highest amount of oxygen taken in achieved at maximal physical exertion
Oxygen uptake reserve
The difference between restingand maximal or peak oxygen consumtion
Ventilatory threshold
The point during graded exercise in which ventilation increases disproportionately to oxygen uptake, switch from predominately aerobic energy production to anaerobic energy production
Excessive frequency
Stage 1
Designed to help improve cardio respiratory fitness levels using a THR of 65 to 75% of Hr max or 12 to 13 on the the rating of perceived exertion scale
Stage 2
Designed for clients with low to moderate cardio respiratory fitness levels who are ready to begin training at higher intensity levels