Chapter 8 3/4 Flashcards
combining individual items into larger units of meaning
maintenance rehearsal
simple repetition of information
elaborative rehearsal
focusing on the meaning of info or relating it to other things we already know
auditory working memory
“phonological loop,” repeating a phone number to yourself mentally
visual-spatial working memory
temporarily store and manipulate images and spatial information, as when forming mental maps of the route to some destination
episodic buffer
provides temporary storage space where information from long-term memory and from the phonological loop and visual-spatial subsets can be integrated, manipulated and made available for cs awareness
central executive
control directs the action, decides how much attention to allocate to mental imagery + auditory rehearsal, calls up info from LT memory + integrates the output
long-term memory
our vast library of more durable + stored memories
serial position effect
the recall is influenced by a word’s position in a series of items
primacy effect
reflecting the superior recall of earlier words
recency effect
representing the superior recall of most recent words
effortful processing
encoding that is initiated intentionally and requires cs awareness ex. studying
automatic processing
encoding that occurs w/o attention + minimal attention
structural encoding
having to notice how the word looks
phonological encoding
sounding out the word to yourself
semantic encoding
meaning of the word
levels of processing
the more deeply we process info the better it will be remembered
organizing material in hierarchy takes advantage of the principle that memory is enhanced by associations btwn concepts
dual coding theory
verbal + nonverbal info used to enhance memory