Chapter 7 3/3 Flashcards
conditioned taste aversion
taste/smell of the food now disgusts and repulses us
instinctive drift
conditioned response “drifts” back toward instictive behav
sudden perception of a useful relationship that helps solve a problem
cognitive map
mental representation of the maze layout
latent learning
learning that occurs but is not demonstrated until there is an incentive to perform
observational learning
learning that occurs by observing the behaviour of a model
our capacity to learn by observation
Bandura’s social-cognitive theory
ppl learn by oberving the behav of models + acquiring the belief that they can produce behaviours to influence events in their lives
pay attention to the model’s behav
retain that info in memory so that it can be recalled when needed
we must physically capable of reproducing the model’s behave or something similar to it
we must be motivated to display the behaviour