chapter 8 Flashcards
motivation and emotion
a temporary state that includes unique subjective experiences and physiological activity and prepares peoples for action
conscious or unconscious evaluation and interpretation of the emotion relevant aspects of a stimulus or event
action tendencies
a readiness to engage in a specific set of emotion relevant behaviors
James Lang theory
a theory that feelings are simply the perception of ones own physiological response to a stimulus
two factor theory of emotion
the theory that stimuli trigger a general state of physiological arousal, which is then interpreted as a specific emotion
emotional expression
an observable sign of an emotional state
universality hypothesis
the theory that all emotional expressions mean the same thing to all people in all places at all times
facial feedback hypothesis
the theory that emotional expressions can cause the emotional experiences they typically signify
display rule
a norm for the appropriate expression of emotion
exaggerating the expression of emotion
muting the expression of emotion
expressing one emotion while feeling another
showing no expression of the emption one is feeling
the internal cause of purposeful behavior
drive reduction theory
the theory that certain drives, like hunger, thirst, and sexual frustration, motivate us to act in ways that minimize aversive states
hedonic principle
the claim that people are motivated to experience pleasure and avoid pain
emotion regulation
the strategies people use to influence their emotional experiences
the process of changing ones emotional experience by changing the way one thinks about the emotion eliciting stimulus
binge eating disorder
an eating disorder characterized by recurrent and uncontrolled episodes of eating a large number of calories in a short amount of time
bulimia nervosa
an eating disorder characterized by binge eating followed by compensatory behavior (purging).
anorexia nervosa
an eating disorder characterized by an intense fear of being overweight and a sever restriction of food intake
evolutionary mismatch
the idea that traits were adaptive in ancestral environments may be maladaptive (not adjusting adequately) to modern environments
the rate at which the body uses energy
human sexual response cycle
the stages of physiological arousal during sexual activity
intrinsic motivation
a motivation to take actions that are themselves rewarding. - Motivation by internal goals
extrinsic motivation
a motivation to take actions that are themselves not rewarding but lead to reward. - motivation by external goals