Chapter 8 Flashcards
is standardized testing more common in USA or canada?
psychologists who specialize in measuring psychological characteristics like intelligence and personality
charles spearman
reported findings supporting idea that a general factor for intelligence (g) is responsible for performance on all mental tests
analyzed performance on tests in 7 patterns that reflected a unique ability
did thurstone belief in the general factor or more specific factors?
acknowledged general but believed more in specific
what are the 7 patterns thurstone mentions
perceptual speed, word comprehension, word fluency, space, number, memory, induction
john carroll
believed in 3 levels of intelligence , where (g) is at the top of the hierarchy
in the middle is things like fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence
fluid intelligence
ability to perceive relations among stimuli
crystallized intelligence
persons culturally influenced accumulated knowledge and skills (includes understanding language, knowing vocab, etc)
flaws of john carroll
ignores research on cognitive development
gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences
identifies 7 intelligences and later defined 2 more
what did gardner believe
schools should foster all types of intelligences and teachers should capitalize on strongest intelligences of individual kids
flaws of gardner
theory has little empirical support
what theories of intelligence are unique to gardner? (6)
musical bodily-kinesthetic interpersonal intrapersonal naturalistic existential
what theories of gardner’s are also included in psychometric theories?
linguistic intelligence
logical mathematical intelligence
spatial intelligence
what is a non traditional aspect of intelligence under gardner’s theories
emotional intelligence
whats emotional intelligence
ability to use ones own / others emotions effectively for solving issues and living happily
does linguistic intelligence develop earlier than others?
sternber’s theory of successful intelligence
defines successful intelligence as skillful use of ones abilities to achieve ones personal goals
what are 3 different abilities to achieve goals under sternber’s theory
analytic ability
creative ability
practical ability
what is a KEY aspect to sternber’s theory
successful intelligence is revealed in peoples pursuit of their goals
what did binet and simon introduce?
concept of mental age
what term did lewis terman create?
intelligence quotient (IQ)
what is IQ formula
IQ= MA/CA x 100
mental age/ chronological age x 100
what is IQ used for?
to compare intelligence in kids of different ages
can stanford binet be used on infants?
what is stanford binet
total IQ calculated along with scores measuring 5 cognitive factors; fluid reasoning, knowledge, quantitative reasoning, visual spatial processing working memory
bayley scales of infant development
important diagnostic tools to determine if development is progressing normally
5 scales are cognitive, language, motor, social emotional, adaptive behaviour
wechsler intelligence scale for children 5th edition (WISC-V)
children recieve IQ score and scores for verbal comprehension, visual spatial reasoning, fluid reasoning, working memory, processing speed
is WISC-V more used in USA or canada
can WISC-V be used on infants
do scores of IQ in childhood reliably predict IQ later in life?
yes , it only fluctuates 10-20 points later in life
what do IQ scores predict
developmental outcomes
school success
occupational success
a longer life!
response to intervention (RTI)
prevents difficulties in learning and identifies kids who need assessment for learning disorders
what does RTI rely on
individualized classroom interventions and monitoring of progress
stereotype threat
self fulfilling prophecy where knowledge of stereotypes leads to anxiety and reduced performance, consistent with the original stereotype
how to combat stereotype threat
a way to combat this is to give people positive examples
whats the IQ score of gifted kids
scores 130 or higher
divergent thinking
aim not to find a single correct answer, but fresh and unusual lines of thought
4 commonalities among gifted people
ability is substantially above average, passionate about subject, creative thinking, exceptional talent must be nurtured
3 types of learning disorders
developmental dyslexia
impaired reading comprehension
mathematical learning disorder
4 things that put you at risk for intellectual disability
biomedical factors
social factors
behavioural factors
educational factors