Chapter 7 Vocab Flashcards
What are mood disorders?
Characterized by gross deviations in mood
What is a major depressive episode?
Most commonly diagnosed and most severe depression
What is a hypo manic episode?
Less severe version of a manic episode and usually lasts four days and doesn’t cause impairment in social or occupational functioning
What is anhedonia?
Loss of energy and inability to engage in pleasurable activities or have any “fun”
What is mania?
Individuals find extreme pleasure in every action
What is flight of ideas?
Speech becomes rapid and incoherent bc their trying to express so many exciting ideas at once
What is unipolar mood disorder?
Individuals who only experience either depression or mania only
What are mixed features?
when individuals experience manic symptoms but feel somewhat depressed or anxious at the same time
What is dysphoric?
Anxious or depressive
What is major depressive disorder?
The absence of manic or hypomanic episodes before or during the disorder
What recurrent?
Two or more major depressive episodes occurred and were deprecated by at least two months when the patient is not depressed
What is persistent depressive disorder?
Depression remains relatively unchanged overdoing periods of time 20-30 years
What is double depression?
Experience major depressive episodes and persistent depression with fewer symptoms
What is hallucinations?
Seeing or hearing things that aren’t there
What are delusions?
Strongly held but inaccurate beliefs
What is mood congruence
Hallucinations directly related to depression
What are delusions of grandeur?
Believing they see supernatural or specially gifted
What is anxious distress specifier?
Presence and severity of accompanying anxiety; most important additional specifier
What is a melancholic features specifier?
More severe somatic symptoms
Weight loss, loss of sex drive
What are catonic feature specifiers?
A sense of movement, where the muscles are waxy and they can be placed somewhere and remain there
What are Atypical feature specifiers?
Constantly oversleeping or overeating that causes weight gain
What is a peripartum onset specifier?
Depression that follows 1 day-6months after birth
What are baby blues
Minor reactions in adjustment to childbirth
What is seasonal affective disorder?
Episodes accompany certain seasons for at least 2 years
What is cabin fever?
SADis more extreme I high and low attitudes because they receive little light during the winter
What is integrated grief
The finality of death and it’s consequences are acknowledged and the individual adjusts to their loss
What is complicated grief?
Feelings of loss and emotions so painful that a person has trouble resuming a normal life
What is premenstrual dysphoric disorder?
Severe mood swings and anxiety
What is disruptive mood disregulation disorder?
When a child has chronic moods such as anger and idea tabulate without accompanying mania
What is bipolar II disorder?
Major depressive episodes alternate with hypomanic episodes rather than full mania episodes
What is bipolar I disorder?
Major depressive episodes alternate with full mania episodes
What is cyclothymic disorder?
Milder, more chronic version of bipolar disorder
What is neurohormones
Hormones that affect the brain and are increasingly the focus of study in psychopathology
What is learned helplessness theory of depression?
When people feel as though they have no control over their lives
What is arbitrary inference?
When an individual emphasizes the negative aspects in life rather than the positive
What is depressive cognitive triad?
Thinking negatively about themselves, immediate world and future
What is a mood stabilizing drug?
What transcribing magnetic stimulation?
Works by placing a magnetic cool over the individuals head to generate a precisely localized electromagnetic pulse
What is interpersonal psychotherapy?
Focuses on resolving problems in existing relationships and learning to form important new interspersing relationships