Chapter 13 Vocabulary Flashcards
What is Schizophrenia
A disorder characterized by a broad spectrum of cognitive and emotional dysfunctions, including delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, behavior and inappropriate emotions
What is démence
Lose of mind
What is précoce?
Early, premature
What is catatonia?
Alternating mobility and excited agitation
What is hebephrenia?
Silly and immature emotionally
What is paranoia?
Delusions of grandeur or persecution
What is dementia praecox
Major neurocognitive disorder
What is associative splitting
Separation among basic functions of human personality
What are psychotic behaviors
Behaviors that include delusions and hallucinations
What are positive schizophrenic symptoms?
Symptoms around distorted reality
What are negative schizophrenic symptoms?
Deficits in normal behavior such as speech, flat affect and motivation
What are delusions of persecution?
People are “out to get me”
What are motivational view of delusions?
Look at beliefs as a way to deal with and relieve anxiety and stress
What is erotomania?
Belief that a famous person is in love with the individual
What is the deficit view of delusions
The beliefs are a result of the brain dysfunction that created the disordered cognitive and perceptions
What is prosody?
Communicates meaning and emotion through our pitch, amplitude, and pauses
What is avolition?
Inability to initiate and persist in activities
What is alogia?
Relative a sense of speech, short responses
What is ahedoria?
Lack of pleasure experienced by someone with schizophrenia
What is flat affect
Show no emotions when you expect them to
Feels like they have a mask on
What is disorganized speech?
Jump from topic to topic and other times talk illogically
What is inappropriate affect?
Laughing or crying at inappropriate times
What is paranoid schizophrenia
Delusions of grandeur and persecution
What is disorganized schizophrenia
Silly and immature emotions
What is catatonic schizophrenia
Alternate immobility and excited agitation
What is a schizophreniform disorder?
Symptoms of schizophrenia but last 6 months or less
What is pre morbid
Before the psychotic episode
What is schizoaffective disorder?
Psychotic disorder that includes features of schizophrenia and major mood disorder
What is a delusional disorder
Persisted belief contrary to reality (delusion) but no other symptoms of schizophrenia
What is the erotomanic type of delusion?
Irrational belief that one is loved by someone, usually of higher status
What is a grand lose type of delusion?
Believing in ones inflated worth, power, knowledge and identity
What is jealous type of delusion?
Sexual partner is unfaithful
What is the persecutory type of delusion?
Believing oneself is treated in some way
What are somatic delusions
The person feels afflicted by a physical defect or general medical condition
What is shared psychotic disorder
An individual develops delusions simply as a result of a close relationship with a delusional individual
What is brief psychotic disorder
The presence of one or more positive symptoms
What is alternuated psychosis syndrome?
People who don’t met full criteria for schizophrenia
What is the prodromal stage?
1-2 year period befor the serious symptoms occur but when less severe yet unusual behaviors start to show themselves
What is endophenotyping
When researchers try to find basic processes that contribute to the behaviors or symptoms of the disorder and then find the gene or genes that cause these difficulties
What is smooth-pursuit eye movement
Eye tracking
What is hypofrontality
Frontal lobe may be less active with schizophrenia
What is a schizophrenogenic mother
Used to describe a mother who is cold, dominate, and rejecting and was thought to cause schizophrenia in her children
What is double bind communication
Communication style that was said to cause conflicting messages and cause schizophrenia