Chapter 6 Vocab Flashcards
What is a somatic symptom disorder?
An excessive or maladaptive response to physical symptoms or to associated health concerns
What is dissociation/ dissociative experiences?
Slight alterations or detachments in consciousness or identity
What is conversion hysteria?
Unexplained physical symptoms indicates the conversion of unconscious emotional conflicts into more acceptable forms
What is neurosis?
Suggested a specific cause for a certain disorder
What is briquets syndrome?
Somatic symptom disorder (hysteria)
What is an illness anxiety disorder?
Physical symptoms are not experienced at the time or are mild, but severe anxiety is focused on the possibility of having or developing a serious disease (hypochondria)
What is disease conviction?
Individuals mistaking my have a difficult-to-shake belief that they have a disease
What is koro?
Belief accompanied by severe anxiety and sometimes panic that the genitals are retracting into the abdomen
What is dhat?
Vague mix of physical symptoms, including dizziness, fatigue, and weakness —semen loss—
what is antisocial personality disorder?
Characterized by vandalism, persistent lying, theft, irresponsibility with finances, and at work and outright physical aggression
What is psychological factors affecting medical conditions?
Asthma or diabetes are brought on by anxiety towards cancer
What is conversion disorder?
Physical functioning such as paralysis, blindness, or difficulty speaking without any physical or organic pathology to account for the malfunction
What is aphonia?
Difficulty speaking
What is astasia-abasia?
Feeling of paralysis in legs
What is globus hystericus?
The sensation of a lump in your throat that makes it difficult to swallow and eat
What is malingering?
What is a factitious disorder?
Falls between faking a disorder and a conversion disorder
What is cartharsis?
Therapeutic re-experiencing of emotionally traumatic events
What is la belle indifferencé?
The pretty indifference
What is depersonalization?
Your perception alters so that you temporary lose the sense of your own reality
Watching yourself in a dream
What is derealization?
Your sense of the reality of the external world is lost
Things change size and shape and people become mechanical or dead
What is depersonalization - derealization disorder?
Feelings of unreality that are so severe and frightening that they dominate an individual and prevent normal functioning
What is acute stress disorder?
People undergoing intense stress or experiencing a traumatic even which caused depersonalization-derealization disorder
What is generalized amnesia?
People who are unable to remember anything including who they are
What is localized or selective amnesia?
A failure to recall specific events that are usually traumatic that occur during a specific period
What is dissociative fugue?
Memory loss revolves around a certain incident
Wandering into the cornfield after the accident
What is amok?
Individuals in a trance-like state often brutally assault and sometimes kill people or animals
What is dissociative identity disorder (DID)?
Multiple personalities coexisting
What is a autohypnosis model?
People who are suggestible may be able to use dissociation as a defense against extreme trauma