Chapter 7: The Skeletal System Axial System Flashcards
Longs Bones
Greater length than width
Short Bones
Somewhat cubed shaped and nearly equal in length and width
Flat Bones
Thin, composed of two parallel plates of compact bone tissue enclosed in spongy tissue
Irregular Bones
Complex shape
Vary in amount of compact and spongy bone
Sesamoid Bones
Shaped like sesame seeds
Develop tendons where there is friction, tension and stress such as palms and soles.
Sutures Bones
Small bones located in sutures (joints) between certain cranial bones
Depression and opening
Narrow slit between adjacent parts of bone
Blood vessels pass through
Superior orbital fissure of sphenoid bone
Depression and opening
Opening through which blood vessel, nerves or ligaments pass
Optic Forman
Depression and openings
Shallow Depression
Coronado fossa of humerus
Depression and openings
Furrow along bone surface
Accommodates blood, nerves or tendon
Intertubercular sulcus of humerus
Depression and openings
Tubelike opening
External auditory meatus of temporal bone
Forms joint
Large round protuberance with a smooth articular surface at end of bone
Lateral condyle of femur
Forms joint
Smooth, flat, slight concave or convex articular surface at end of bone
Forms Joint
Usually rounded articular projection support on neck of bone
Head of femur
Forms attachment
Prominent ridge or elongated projection
Lilac crest of hip bone
Forms attachment
Typically roughened projection above condyle
Medial epicondyle of femur
Forms attachment, either long, narrow ridge or border
Lines aspera of femur
Spinous Process
Processes of vertebral arch
Forms attachment for muscles
Sharp, slender projection
Forms attachment
Large projection
Greater trochanter of femur
Forms attachment
Rounded projections
Greater tubercle of humerus
Forms attachment
Variable sized projection that has a rough bumpy surface
Ischial tuberosity of hip bone
framework of head
Cranial Bones
From cranial cavity, encloses and protects the brain
Facial Bones
14 bones
2 nasal bones
2 maxillae
2 zygomatic
2 lacrimal
2 palatine
2 inferior nasal conchae
Normal Curves
Appearance of spine from side, shows slight bend
Cervical and Lumbar Curve
Front of body, convex (bulging out)
Thoracic and Sacral Curves
Concave (cupping in)
Function of Curves of Vertebral Column
Increases strength
Helps maintain balance in upright postion
Absorbs shock during walking
Help protect the vertebrae from fracture
Intervertebral Discs
Found between the bodies of adjacent vertebrae from the end cervical vertebra to the sacrum
Account of 25% of height
Annulus Fibrosus
Contained in each intervertebral disc. Each disc has outer fibrous ring consists of fibrocartilage.
Nucleus Pulposus
An inner soft, pulpy, highly elastic substance of intervertebral disc.
Entire chest region
Thoracic Cage
Skeletal part of thorax. Bony enclosure formed by the sternum, ribs, costal cartilage and bodies of thoracic vertebrae.
Breastbone. Flat, narrow bone located in the center of the thoracic wall.
Superior part of sternum
Body - Sternum
Middle and largest part of the sternum
Xiphoid Process
Smallest part of the sternum
Sternal Angle
Junction of the manubrium and body of sternum.
Suprasternal Notch
Depression on superior surface of Manubrium of sternum
Clavicular Notches
Lateral to suprasternal notch
Sternoclavicular Joints
Formed by clavicular notches that articulates with medial ends of clavicles
12 pairs, numbered 1-12 from superior to inferior. Give structural support to the sides of the thoracic cavity.
Costal Cartilage
Strip of Hyaline cartilage that attached ribs 1-7 to anterior of sternum.
Sternocostal joints
Articulation formed between true ribs and the sternum
Vertebrochondral Ribs
False ribs
Floating Vertebral Ribs
The 11 and 12th pairs of ribs. The costal cartilages at their anterior ends do not attach to the sternum at all.
Bones of Adult - Axal
80 Bones
Bones of Adult - Appendicular
126 bones: flat and irregular
Consists of upper and lower limbs
Bone Surface Markings
- Depression and Openings: allow for passage of soft tissue (blood, nerves, ligaments)
- Processes: Projections or outgrowth. Either forms joint or forms attachment points for CT.
Only moveable bone
Longest, strongest facial bone
Skull Function
- Protects Brain
- Stabilizes brain, blood vessels, lymphatic tissue and nerves by attachment to meninges
- Outer surfaces provides attachment of muscles for head movement
- Provide attachment for muscles of facial expression
Nasal Septum
Feature of skull in Ethmoid Bone
Vertical - divides nasal cavity into left and right sides
Consists of bone and cartilage
Components: vomer, septal cartilage, perpendicular plate, ethmoid bone
Special feature of skull
Formed by 7 cranial bones
A) cranial : frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid
B) facial: palatine, zygomatic, lacrimal, maxilla
Contains: eye ball and associated structure.
Special feature of skull
Openings for blood vessels. Nerves or ligaments
Frontal Sinus
Deep to frontal aquamarine
Temporal Squama
Anterior and superior part of bone
Zygomatic Process
Projects from inferior part of TB
Articulates with zygomatic bone
Zygomatic Bone
Cheek Bones
Zygomatic Arch
Formed by zygomatic process and zygomatic bone
Mandibular Fossa
Socket on inferior portion of zygomatic process
Temporamandibular Joint
Formed by mandibular fossa and articular tubercle
Articulate with mandible
Mastoid Portion
Rounded, Posterior and inferior to external auditory canal
Internal Auditory Meatus
opening through which facil IV and vestibulcochlear VII nerve pass
Petronius Portion
Floor of cranial cavity, triangle part.
Houses internal and middle ear.
Foramen Magnum
Large hole in inferior part of bone
Occipital Condyle
Oval process with convex surfaces
Located on either side of Foramen magnum
Articulates with 1st cervical vertebra: allows nodding of head
Occipital Condyle
Oval process with convex surfaces
On either side of Foramen magnum
Atlanta occipital joint
Formed by articulation of occipital Condyle and 1st cervical vertebra
Allows head to nod
External Occipital protuberance
Most prominent midline projection
Sella Turcica
Saddle shaped
Superior surface
Hypophyseal Fossa
Contains pituitary gland
Hyoid Bone
Unique component of axial skeleton
Does not articulate with any other bone. Suspends from styloid process of TB by muscles and ligaments.
Located been mandible and larynx
Supports tongue
Nasal Bones
Paired, small. Forms bridge, consists of cartilage.
Protects upper entry of nasal cavity. Provides attachment for muscles of facial expression.
Lacrimal Bone
Paired, thin, smallest face bone.
Forms part of medial wall of each orbit.
Palatine Bone
Two L shaped bones
Forms posterior portion of hard palate, floor and lateral wall of nasal cavity.
Inferior Nasal Conchae
Two scroll like, inferior to ethmoid bone.
Forms part of nasal cavity
Single bone, roughly triangle shaped on floor of nasal cavity
Articulates with ethmoid and sphenoid bone.
Forms inferior nasal septum
Paired, unite to form upper jawbone.
Articulates with every face bone except mandible.
Contains: hard palate
Hard Palate
Bony roof of mouth
Formed by palatine process and hard plate of palatine bone.
- Coronal
- Sagittal
- Squamous
- Lambdoid
Paranasal Sinuses
Cavities within nasal cavity
Lined weigh muscous membranes that drain into wall of nasal cavity.
Small or absent at birth, grow with puberty.
Helps with resonance of voice.
7 cervical
12 Thoracic
5 Lumbar
1 sacrum
1 coccyx
Vertebral Body
Thick disc shaped, anterior portion. Wright bearing part of vertebra.
Contains: nutrient foramina
Vertebral Arch
Formed from: two short, thick processes and pedicles. Pedicles project from vertebral body to unit with flat laminae.
Vertebral Foramen
Formed by vertebral arch and body, surrounds the spinal cord.
Contains: cord, adipose tissue, areolar CT, blood vessels
Vertebral Canal
Formed from all vertebrae of vertebral foramina.
Cervical Vertebrae
Smallest, except for coccyx
Arches are large, contain 3 Foramina, 1 vertebral foramen and 2 transverse foramina
Thoracic Vertebrae
Larger and stronger than cervical
Lumbar Vertebrae
Largest and strongest of all vertebrae bones in column due to the amount of body weight by this vertebrae.
1 - triangular bone. Formed from 5 fused bones by the age o 30.
Serves as strong foundation of pelvic girldle
1- also triangular bone
Formed by fusion of 4 coccygeal vertebrae, fuse by age of 20-30.
Superior Articular Processes
Processes arise from vertebral arch
2 of a vertebra articlulate with 2 inferior processes immediately above them.
Covered with hyaline cartilage.
Inferior Articular Processes
Processes arise from vertebral arch.
Two of a vertebra articulates with two superior articular processes of the vertebra immediately below them.
Covered with hyaline cartilage.
Sacral Promontary
Base of sacrum. Used for measurement of the pelvis.
Nutrient Foramina
Found in Vertebral body.
Opening where blood vessels deliver nutrients and O2. Removes CO2 and wastes from bone tissue.