Chapter 7: Stimulus Control Flashcards
Three term contingency
- ABCs of behavior
- antecedent , behavior, stimulus
ex. phone rings, answer it, talk to person
- include the stimuli, events, or situations before behavioural response
- all antecedents are stimuli
- overt or covoer, immediate or distant
overt antecedents
stimuli, observable with senses
covert antecedents
internal experience, not open to observation
ex. hungry, get a snack
immediate antecedents
occur right before behaviour
distant antecedents
stimuli often covert precede behavior by a long time
ex. abuse by spouse, avoid long term relationships
Stimulus control
antecedent stimulus can influence performance of a specific behaviour
- when a stimulus exercises a high degree of stimulus control, the behaviour is likely to occur in the presence of the cue
ex. occur in the presence of the cue
stimulus class
related to the stimuli that have the same effect on the behaviour
stimulus discrimination training
Administering a certain consequence for a specific behaviour when a particular stimulus is present, but not when another stimulus is present
discriminative stimulus (Sd)
behaviour is reinforced
antecedent stimulus (S-delta)
behaviour is not reinforced
Three term contingency for (Sd) and (S-delta)
Sd, response, reinforcing stimulus
S-delta, response, nothing
Stimulus generalization
occurs when a stimulus similar to the Sd also produces the behaviour
generalization gradient
stimuli most similar to the Sd produce strangest response
generalization gradient
stimuli most similar to the Sd produce the strongest response