Chapter 7-Show up Fitness Review for NASM CPT Flashcards
Typically Overactive Muscles:
OVERACTIVE muscles need to be SMR’d for 20-40 seconds, static stretched for 20-40 seconds
Gastrocnemius Soleus Adductors Hamstring Complex Psoas Tensor fascia latae Rectus femoris Piriformis Quadratus lumborum Erector spinae Pectoralis major/minor Latissimus dorsi Teres major Upper trapezius Levator scapulae Sternocleidomastoid Scalenes
Typically Underactive Muscles:
UNDERACTIVE muscles need to be strengthened using a 4-2-1 tempo.
Anterior tibialis Posterior tibialis Vastus medialis oblique (VMO) Gluteus maximus/medius Transverses abdominus Internal oblique Multifidus Serratus anterior Middle/lower trapezius Rhomboids Teres minor Infraspinatus Posterior deltoid Deep cervical flexors
Neuromuscular Efficiency
The ability of the neuromuscular system to allow agonist, antagonist, and stabilizers to work synergistically to produce, reduce, and dynamically stabilize the entire kinetic chain in all three planes of motion.
**Relative Flexibility
The tendency of the body to seek the path of least resistance during functional movement patterns.
Static Stretching
The process of passively taking a muscle to the point of tension and holding the stretch for a minimum of 30 seconds.
Active- isolated stretch
The process of using agonists and synergist to dynamically move the joint into a range of motion.
Dynamic (functional) stretching
The active extension of a muscle, using force production and momentum, to move the joint through a full available range of motion.
Altered Reciprocal Inhibition
The concept of muscle inhibition, caused by a tight agonist, which inhibits its functional antagonist.
Synergistic Dominance
The neuromuscular phenomenon that occurs when inappropriate muscles take over the function of a weak or inhibited prime mover.
Arthrokinetic Dysfunction
Altered forces at the joint that result in abnormal muscular activity and impaired neuromuscular communication at the joint
Autogenic Inhibition
Process by which neural impulses that sense tension are greater than the impulses that cause muscles to contract, provide an inhibitory effect to the muscle spindles. Prolonged Golgi tendon organ stimulation provides and inhibitory action to muscle spindles(located within the same muscle.
Cumulative Injury Cycle
Step 1. Tissue Trauma Step 2. Inflammation Step 3. Muscle Spasm Step 4. Adhesions Step 5. Altered Neuromuscular Control Step 6. Muscle Imbalance And Then the Vicious Cycle Repeats and Reinforces Itself.
Davis’s law
is used in anatomy and physiology to describe how soft tissue models along imposed demands. It is the corollary to Wolff’s law, which applies to osseous tissue.
It is a physiological principle stating that soft tissue heal according to the manner in which they are mechanically stressed.
Example Test Questions:
According to the integrated flexibility continuum, what kind of flexibility is static
**A- Corrective
B- Active
C- Functional
D- Isometric
Your clients head protrudes forward during the pushing assessment, which of the following
muscles would you want to static stretch for 20-40 seconds?
A- Deep Cervical Flexors
**B- Sternocleidomastoid
C- Lower Traps
D Rhomboids
What is the definition of the bodies tendency to seek the path of least resistance during
functional movement patterns?
A- Autogenic Inhibition
B- Synergist Dominance
C- Reciprocal Inhibition
**D- Relative Flexibility
When excited, the ____________________________ stimulation provides an inhibitory
action to the _____________________, which is called __________________________.
**A- Golgi Tendon Organ, Muscle Spindle, Autogenic Inhibition
B- Golgi Tendon Organ, Muscle Spindle, Reciprocal Inhibition
C- Muscle Spindles, Golgi Tendon Organ, Autogenic Inhibition
D- Muscle Spindles, Golgi Tendon Organ, Reciprocal Inhibition
A prisoner squat & single-leg squat touchdown are examples of what kind of stretches?
A- Corrective
B- Active
**C- Functional
D – Reactive
Dynamic stretching uses which of the following concepts to improve soft tissue extensibility?
Select one:
a. Relative flexibility
* *b. Reciprocal inhibition
c. Myotatic stretch-reflex
d. Synergistic dominance
Ryan is performing static stretching on a client’s calves after an overhead squat assessment. Which of the following is most likely to have prompted him to perform this procedure?
Select one:
a. The client had a posterior pelvic tilt.
b. The client had an anterior pelvic tilt.
* *c. The client’s feet had turned out.
d. The client’s knees bowed out.
In order to most effectively target the tensor fascia latae (TFL) while standing, a client’s back leg should be in which of the following positions?
Select one:
a. Adducted 90°
b. Abducted 90°
* *c. Externally rotated
d. Internally rotated
During functional movement patterns, a client demonstrates excessive spinal motion. Which of the following core exercises should the trainer recognize as being most appropriate for this individual?
Select one:
- *a. Two-leg floor bridge
b. Back extension
c. Reverse crunch
d. Ball medicine pullover throw
Which term is defined as the normal extensibility of all soft tissues that allow the full range of motion of a joint?
Select one:
a. Neuromuscular efficiency
b. Dynamic range of motion
c. Extensibility
* *d. Flexibility
Which of the following is a benefit of integrated cardiorespiratory training?
Select one:
a. It decreases glucose tolerance.
b. It decreases high-density lipoproteins.
c. It decreases oxidative capacity of muscle.
* *d. It decreases resting heart rate.
When performing self-myofascial release of the adductors, the focus should be on foam rolling what location on the body?
Select one:
Select one:
a. The entire inner thigh region
* *b. The groin region inside the upper thigh
c. The quadriceps along the vastus medialis
d. The short head of the biceps femoris
Which method of cardio should be avoided for a client who demonstrates low-back arching as a movement compensation?
Select one:
Select one:
a. Treadmills
* *b. Bicycles
c. Elliptical trainers
d. Group exercise classes
Which of the following is a formula that determines a client’s target heart rate during exercise?
Select one:
- *a. Heart rate reserve (HRR) method
b. Peak Metabolic Equivalent Method
c. Peak Maximal Heart Rate Method
d. VO2 Reserve Method
The active supine biceps femoris stretch uses which physiological principle to increase flexibility?
Select one:
a. Synergistic dominance
b. Altered reciprocal inhibition
* *c. Reciprocal inhibition
d. Autogenic inhibition
What is used to increase the extensibility of soft tissues through both autogenic inhibition and reciprocal inhibition?
Select one:
a. Ballistic stretching
b. Elastic stretching
* *c. Static stretching
d. Active stretching
Dynamic stretching improves soft tissue extensibility by using which of the following?
Select one:
a. Davis’s law
b. Autogenic inhibition
c. Wolff’s law
* *d. Reciprocal inhibition
Which of the following exercises is the most effective at improving dynamic stabilization, concentric strength, eccentric strength, and neuromuscular efficiency of the entire kinetic chain?
Select one:
a. Dumbbell snatch
b. Supported dumbbell row
c. Prone iso-abs
* *d. Reverse crunch