Chapter 6 - Show up Fitness Review summary Flashcards
Which scenario demonstrates a personal trainer correctly assessing a first-time client?
Select one:
- *a. Assess the client’s cardiorespiratory fitness after reviewing a current health-history questionnaire.
b. Have the client fill out a PAR-Q medical history after the overhead squat assessment is performed.
c. Avoid movement assessments if a client has been diagnosed with hypertension.
d. Refer the client to a health care professional if he answers “no” to one or more questions on the PAR-Q.
What is the likely cause of an excessive forward lean during the overhead squat assessment?
Select one:
a. Overactive erector spinae and hip extensor complex
b. Overactive adductors complex and biceps femoris (short head)
* *c. Overactive hip flexor complex and soleus
d. Overactive latissimus dorsi and teres major
Which of the following tests estimates an individual’s cardiorespiratory fitness level on the basis of a submaximal bout of stair climbing at a set pace for a standard time limit?
Select one:
a. Rockport walk test
b. Cycle ergometer test
* *c. YMCA 3-minute step test
d. Run test
Which of the following is true for the upper extremity strength assessment?
Select one:
a. For the greatest degree of accuracy, perform 8-10 repetitions.
b. Perform this assessment for clients with weight-loss goals.
* *c. Client should warm-up with up to 8-10 repetitions using light resistance.
d. Rest interval between attempts should be 4 to 5 min.
A new client performs the Rockport walk test and scores in the “good” category of cardiovascular fitness. Up to which of the following percentages of maximal heart rate should this client train?
Select one:
a. 0.95
* *b. 0.85
c. 0.65
d. 0.75
he observation of excessive forward lean during an overhead squat assessment is most likely caused by which of the following?
Select one:
- *a. An overactive abdominal complex and gastrocnemius
b. An overactive abductor complex and anterior tibialis
c. An overactive transverse abdominis and gluteus maximus
d. An overactive pectoralis major and teres major
• READ CHAPTER 6,7,14. Over 60% of their exam will be from these chapters.
Things to know: ParQ, Subjective & Objective Information.
• Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q). Medical history questionnaire
to determine client’s capabilities to participate in exercise and/or red flags for
coronary artery disease (CAD)
• Subjective information = client’s profession. Information they give you.
• Objective information = you the trainer obtain i.e. resting measurements / body
fat %• BMI (greater than 30 obese / 25-29.9 overweight) Once an individual attains
a BMI of greater than 25, chances double for CAD, diabetes, and cancer.
Durnin-Womersley Body Fat 4 sites:
Waist-to-hip ratios:
- Durnin – Womersley Body Fat (calipers) 4 sites:
- Bicep / Triceps / Suprailiac / Subscapularis
• Waist-to-hip ratios: greater than .80 for females / .95 for males is a risk factor.
Cardio Testing:
-Cardio Testing
• YMCA 3-minute step test
-12-inch step, 96-steps/min. Record clients heart rate for 1-minute
• Rockport Test
-1-mile walk. Record clients heart rate to determine which zone to put them in.
HR Max
220-age = heart rate max
• If client receives a below average / very poor = zone 1
• If client receives an average / good = zone 2
• If client receives an excellent = zone 3
• Zone 1 = 220-age x .65 - .75
• Zone 2 = 220-age x .76 - .85
• Zone 3 = 220-age x .86 - .95
5-Kinectic chain checkpoints:
Posture testing (5-kinectic chain checkpoints = feet / knees / lumbo-pelvic hip complex (LPHC) / shoulders / head) • Overhead Squat • Single Leg Squat • Push • Pull
Performance Testing:
-Performance testing-
• Upper body Agility = Davies test
- Push-up position with hands 36-inches apart
- Record how many times hands touch each other within 15-seconds. Repeat 3x.
• Lower body Agility = Shark Skill Test
- Single leg test hoping into squares (9 squares on a grid)
- Deduct .10 seconds if clients hands come off hips, hop into wrong square, do not
return to middle square and if non-hoping leg touches down.
• Upper body strength = Bench Press
• Lower body strength = Squat
• Upper body endurance = push-ups
Compensations: Checkpoint Upper Body/ OVERATIVE
Lateral View-Arms fall forward
Latissimus Dorsi
Teres major
Pectorals major/minor
SMR: Thoracic Spine/Lats
Static stretch: Lats ball stretch/pec wall stretch
Compensations: Checkpoint Upper Body/OVERACTIVE
Lateral View- Shoulders elevate/(pushing/pulling assessment)
Upper Trapezius
Lavator Scapulae
SMR: Upper Traps (Thera cane)
Static stretch: upper trap/scalene
Compensations: Checkpoint Upper body/OVERACTIVE
Lateral View- Head protrudes forward (pushing/pulling assessment)
Upper Trapezius
Lavator Scapula
SMR: Upper traps (thera cane)
Static stretch: uppers traps/scalene stretch
Compensations: Checkpoint LPHC/OVERACTIVE
Lateral view- Excessive forward lean
Hip flexor complex (TFL, rectus femoris, psoas)
Abdominal complex (rectus abdominus, external obliques)
20-30 seconds/Tempo: 4-2-1 SMR: Gastroc/Soleus SMR: Quads Static: gastroc stretch Static: kneeling hip flexor stretch
Compensations: Checkpoint LPHC/OVERACTIVE
Lateral view- Low back arches
Hip flexor complex
Erector spinae
Latissimus dorsi
SMR: Quads
SMR: Lats
Static: kneeling hip flexor stretch
Static: Lat ball stretch
Compensations: Checkpoint Feet/OVERACTIVE
Anterior view-Feet turn out
Lateral gastrocnemius
Biceps femoris
SMR: Gastoc/soleus
SMR: biceps femoris
Static: gastorc stretch
Static: supine biceps femoris stretch
Compensations: Checkpoint Knees/OVERACTIVE
Anterior view-Knees move inward
Adductor complex
Biceps femoris
Tensor fascia latae
Vastus lateralis
SMR: Adductors
SMR: TFL/IT band
Static: supine biceps femoris stretch
Static: standing TFL stretch
Compensation: Checkpoint Upper Body/UNDERACTIVE
Arms fall forward
Mid/lower trapezius
Rotator cuff (supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis)
Sample Strength: Squat to Row
Compensation: Checkpoint Upper Body/UNDERACTIVE
Shoulders elevate/(pushing/pulling assessment)
Mid/lower trapezius
Sample strength: Ball cobra
Compensation: Checkpoint Upper body/UNDERACTIVE
Head protrudes forward (pushing/pulling assessment)
Deep cervical flexors
Sample strength: Chin tuck
Compensation: Checkpoint LPHC/UNDERACTIVE
Excessive forward lean
Anterior tibialis
Gluteus maximus
Erector spinae
Sample strength: Quadruped/ Ball wall squats
Compensation: Checkpoint LPHC/UNDERACTIVE
Low back arches
Gluteus maximus
Hamstring Complex
Intrinsic Core stabilizers
Sample strength: Quadruped/Ball wall squats
Compensations: Checkpoint Feet/UNDERACTIVE
Feet turn out
Medial gastrocnemius Medial hamstring complex gracilis sartorius popliteus
Sample strength: Single- leg balance reach
Compensations: Checkpoint Knees/UNDERACTIVE
Knees move inward
Gluteus medius/maximus
**Vastus medialis oblique (VMO)
**Sample strength: tube waling: side to side
Is a questionnaire that has been designed to determine the safety or possible risk of exercising for a client based on the answers to specific health history questions.
Durnin-Womersley Body Fat Test
Skin fold measurements (calipers)
4 sites:
Karvonen Formula
Pronation Distortion Syndrome
a postural distortion syndrome characterized by foot pronation (flat feet) and adducted and internally rotated knees (knock knees)
Lower crossed syndrome
a postural distortion syndrome characterized by an anterior tilt to the pelvis (arched lower back)
Upper crossed syndrome
a postural distortion syndrome characterized by a forward head and rounded shoulders
5-Kinetic chain checkpoints?
- foot and ankle
- knee
- Shoulders
- Head and cervical spine
Davies Test
**This assessment measures upper extremity agility and stabilization.
This assessment may not be suitable for clients ore athletes who lack should stability.
Shark Skill Test
This is designed to assess lower extremity agility and neuromuscular control.
It should be viewed as a progression from the single-leg squat and ,as such may not be suitable for all individuals.
Rockport Cardio Test
This test is also designed o estimate a cardiovascular starting point.
**Need weight first for this test.
You have just learned that your client is a lawyer, what component of a fitness assessment is
**A- Subjective information B- Objective Information C- Radical Information D- Insignificant information
What is the typical resting heart rate for male clients?
**A- 70
B- 75
C- 80
Which of the following is best to use on obese clients?
A- BIA B- Body Calipers C- Hydrostatic Testing **D-Circumference Measurements (Remember, it’s the BEST answer, not necessarily always the 100% right answer.)
After the Rockport Walk Test, you check your clients heart rate for 60-seconds and give them
a Vo2 score of “Good”. What cardio zone would you begin them in?
A- Zone 1
**B- Zone 2
C- Zone 3
D- Zone 4
Which of the following kinetic chain checkpoints do you emphasize during the single-leg
squat assessment?
A- Ankles
**B – Knees
D- Head
You notice that your clients low back arches during the pulling assessment, which of the
following muscles is overactive?
A- Core Stabilizers
B- Lower Trapezius
C- Levator Scapulae
**D- Erector Spinae
How far do you place the two pieces of tape during the Davies Test?
A- 12-inches
B- 24-inches
**C- 36 inches
D- 48 inches
Which of the following is NOT a .10 second fault according to the Shark Skill Test?
A- Non-hopping leg touches ground **B- Foot returns to center square C- Hands come off the hips D- Foot goes into wrong square
During the Overhead Squat Assessment, you notice that your clients knees buckle inward
(knee valgus), which of the following muscles needs to be strengthened?
**A- Gluteus medius
B- Adductor Complex
C- Soleus
D- Hip Flexors