Chapter 7 - Discipline Flashcards
Discipline includes more than punishment it involves
-correction and change in behavior
-An attitude, and feeling for the job, law enforcement agency, and ones fellow employees
**Discipline in this sense can be thought of as the type of discipline that brave and elite miltiary units have when they have performed well under harsh conditions
Discipline in police work is defined as the TRAINING and PREPERATION to develop (3)
-Self Control
- Sound Character
- Job Efficiency
Discipline is an attitude that ensures (2)
- Prompt and complete obedience to an order
- employee to act proper in the absence of supervision
The disciplined officer does the job correctly because it is the right thing to do not because of
When discipline is lacking in one form (isolated or widespread) how should you respond
apply another form of discipline (correction or punishment etc)
In order to correct improper, unethical, or illegal activity you must respond in a
Direct and responsible manner
Before providing discipline you must calmly, quietly, and carefully inquire about the problem, the corrective actions must be based on
the totality of the circumstances
Formal corrective action, letters of reprimand, suspension, or discipline may be needed for this employee
Repeat offender
Whichever form of correction is advised for the subordinate, the FLS must be _____ with it
closely associated
In regards to correction, in order to maintain his reputation the supervisor must be able to
recommend the corrective action
Any policy without FLS input will be
less than effective
Any corrective action that does not involve the FLS will destroy his effectiveness, a policy that allows upper command to make corrections will effect the supervisors ___ and __
own sense of ability and personal responsibility
Corrective action must be appropriate for both the ____ and ____
Employee and organization
If discipline is extreme in either way then the overall discipline and effectiveness will
When you determine someone is drinking on shift what course of action should you take
Direct and private confrontation
During this conversation you may be subject to anger, insults, and denial from the employee, how should you react
Persevere and persist until employee agrees to get help
One extreme measure that may have to come from one drinking on the job is
removal from duty
When attempting to convince an employee to get help for drinking what may be the only thing that is needed
a personally concerned supervisor
If the personally concerned supervisor doesn’t work what should you do
Employ military type control over employee to get them into treatment while being understanding and compassionate
Alcoholism is covered under the ADA, does this mean you can’t immediately act when you see it? who should you ask for help if attempting to suspend or take pay
No you can intervene, ask for advice from HR and
Reasons to intervene promptly for someone under the influence
Safety of employee
safety of public and other employees
violation of the rules
As their role of an information gatherer what should the supervisor do when they realize someone has a drinking problem (3)
Identify problem and inquire what happening
- notify command for alcohol exams
- Document
In cases of excessive force what should you do before you make a decision
Look at all the facts and question witnesses
Things to consider before providing corrective action (4)
-Past history
- Training
- policy
- Other mitigating factor
Behavioral psychologists have known for a long time that discipline to be effective needs to be
Sure and immeadite enough for the person to connect the actions to the results