Chapter 4- Qualities of a Leader Flashcards
Characteristics of a Leader
Patience and empathy
Personal Courage
Job Knowledge
Common Sense
Law Enforcement Officer who doesn’t have ______ has nothing
A good test of integrity is to use the
Video test - would you be doing it if you were on video
Who does integrity start with
The boss that leads by example
Doing the right thing for the right reasons even when no one is watching - refraining from dong wrong when likely no one will ever know- what definition
Three types of personal courage
- Doing the dangerous part of the job
- Making unpopular and difficult decisions
- Taking responsibility for your decisions that will be unpopular and not blaming someone else
Having the ability to make unpopular and difficult decision is also known as
Administrative Courage
You must be loyal to (3)
Department, superiors, subordinates
The loyal supervisor corrects when needed but also
Defends when against wrongfully accused or unfair treatment
If you do not defend your people what occurs
Lose trust and respect
Knowing where you want to go on a long term and short term basis - the goal or objective
The best leaders know where they want to go and have
some idea of how they want to get there
Who can help you achieve your vision and goals
TEAM EFFORT - rely on those closer to the goal than you to obtain it
This allows a leader to make decision when there are no clear guidelines, it relies on native intelligence, experience, training, and a feel for the situation
Common Sense
Two things that help build common sense
Life experience and being a skilled observer
For the full benefit of common sense you must have ______ to put a plan into action
Self confidence
To have common sense you must also have ________ Sense - define it
Political sense - knowing what will get you in trouble (based on experience)
You subordinates deserve to know the truth regardless of how it will make them feel, you need to be HONEST - if you are not what happens
Police service to the public is diminished and everyone suffers
When a manager provides a task he should be able to assume it will be done and not have to answer questions unless for clarification
Subordinates also expect reliability from their supervisor, when a problem arises the supervisor should
Find the answer and report back to the subordinate in a timely manner
Lack of _____ from supervisors is one of the top complaints of CEO`s
Absence of this trait is something a supervisor can not be without, it can offset any other beneficial traits
Lack of reliability
Interest in the job, people, and the twist and turns of life help _____ a supervisor
The patient and empathetic supervisor is aware of his own weaknesses and realizes
What may be a simple problem for him may be hard for someone else, this allows him to govern the problem correctly
Not only knowing what to say but when, where, and how is what
Tactful supervisor do the following things (3)
- Praise in public, critize in private
- never use an employee as an example of good or bad
- Choose your words carefully
This portion of tact is vital to the reputation of being a fair and compassionate leader
understanding the way you pass on criticism and praise is extremely important to the feelings of your subordinates
Does Honesty, Integrity, and Ability have to be earned?
No, you can assume people can be trusted until you get some reason to believe otherwise
Trusting people from the start does not mean you are blind to their faults, rather you should
be aware of their weakness and help them overcome
When approached with a complaint about a subordinate you should (3)
- Investigate
-communicate to officer with trust and empathy - Do NOT have a “my man can do no wrong attitude”
Impartiality calls for two things
- Does not rule out trust until it is proven to be wrong
- an open mind and feeling for citizen point of view
Fairness must guide the supervisor in (4)