Chapter 20 - Leading Different Generations Flashcards
1922-1945 - The greatest Generation, traditionalist who respect authority, the silent generation, accustomed to hard work
The veterans
Want rules and regulations in written form, work before play
The veterans
1946-1964- big value on work lives and achievement at work, workaholics
Baby boomers
Can handle situations through memo but also want personal contact with the boss, critize other generations for being disrespectful slackers
The Baby Boomers
1965- 1980- like structure but not dependent on work life for fullfilment
Gen X
Dont see supervisors as the ultimate authority and have no problem asking ‘Why”, want feedback and have no problem doing hard work when its needed, value a good work life balance
Gen X
1981-1996 - the millenials - communicate via text, phone, email
Gen Y
Big on instant gratification and want meaningful work, social issues are important, healthy work life balance, want to live for more than a paycheck
Gen Y
Boomers prefer which type of training methods
Traditional- powerpoint and written
Millenials like this type of learning aid
interactive technology
Any supervisor who keeps this in mind will be successful regardless of the generation
All employees want to be treated fairly and with respect
Principles and guidelines to follow for all generations (13)
-Accomodate different learning styles
-use several communication styles
-Recognize and respect differences
-No favoritism
-Resist stereotypes
-ask for and expect everyones best
-minimize formal meetings
-recognize good work
-give everyone a voice
-accomodate personal needs when feasible
-Use employee names
-emphasize similairities
- make sure deadlines understood
The type of communication style you use is dependent on
the situation
Recognizing people as _______ is the HALLMARK of a good supervisor
Most employees regardless of generation want to know what from their boss
how they are doing