Chapter 17 - Customer Service Flashcards
Treating someone in this way is worth the effort because it makes the job easier for you
The way you want to be treated
Most people youre going to encounter are NOT jerks, but when you do encounter jerks you should treat them as you want to be treated, these two tools should be used
Patience and Tact
5 Guidlines for handling customers
- Customers are individuals with names and feelings
-Customers are important - Customers are the reason you have a job
- Customers are not interruptions to our work they ARE our work
- The most vital thing we do is take care of our customers
Most people we interact with are ______ to the police and just want a service
Average citizens expects these things from police (5)
Anyone who is slighted in these areas will
have bad feelings towards police and tell others about it
Things customers dont want to hear (5)
You should have called earlier
That impossible
Thats dept policy
You will have to
I cant help you
Instead of having an i dont care attitude with the public you can have (3) to deliver your message better
-empathetic ear
-willingness to try
Five most frequent complaints from citizens
Slow or no service
Cant do attitude
Nobody listened
attitude of indifference
The golden rule of customer service is
- have an honest concern and sincere willingness to help
-treat as you want to be treated
Ways to increase customer satisfaction (4)
-treat people as indivdiuals and use their name
-Be a good listener
-Allow them to save face
- build trust
When using someones name to connect with them it is a good idea to do what? especially for old people
Ask for permission first
Good listening tips (5)
- listen patiently to the long winded speaker don’t cut them off
- Eye contact
- nod empathetically
-open body posture
-Steer wanders back to subject
If you dont agree with something someone said you should listen without doing what
putting them down
These four things are essential to build trust