Chapter 7 Flashcards
Why is it important to know what words mean?
they have great power to communicate or mislead, which means it is essential to understand the words that are applied to Jesus Christ in Scripture
What kinds of questions does christology address?
Who is Jesus Christ? How can Jesus be both Human and Divine? What do we mean when we call Jesus the Son of God? Who do you say Jesus is?
What are 5 examples of what the new testament does to guide us in understanding jesus?
Jesus is Emmanuel, Jesus is the Word of God, Jesus is the Son of Man, Jesus is the unique son of God, Jesus is “I AM” that is God
What is Jesus called in the new testament? How many times?
Rabbi, 14 times
Rabbi is the jewish word for_______
What does the title Rabbi let us see Jesus as?
a respected and admired teacher
What was unique about Jesus’ teaching style when compared to other rabbis?
did not quote-original
Christ comes from the greek word______
Christos translates to______ in latin
Messiah is a latin word that trasnlates to a hebrew word meaning ________
annointed one or savior
T/F The contemporaries had the same ideas of what and who the Messiah would be.
T/F Although Jesus accepted the title Messiah, his concept of the Messiah differed from that of his contemporaries.
How did Jesus see the Messiah?
As the Son of Man, who will come in glory at the end of time but he is also the suffering servant described in Isaiah. He would sacrifice his very life for his people.
When did God the Father anoint his only begotten Son with the Holy Spirit?
At his baptism
Why did jesus tell his disciples to keep his true identity quiet?
He did not want people to come to him for the wrong reason, he wanted them to approach him in faith and to accept and live his message of love, peace and service
What is one of the major themes of the gospel of Mark?
following Jesus means picking up a cross in daily imitation of Him
T/F God still send s prophets to the world
What was teh threefold office of the suffering servant?
Prophet, High Priest, King
What is a prophet commonly thought as?
one who predicts the future as Jesus’ prediction about the destruction of the temple.
What does the word prophet mean
a person who represents God and who works on Gods behalf to instruct the people
What is Jesus?
the very word of God who speaks for his father and teaches through his words and his deeds the full message of Salvation. His role of prophet involved testifying to truth
What is a priest
a mediator between God and humanity. The letter to the Hebrews calls Jesus the great high priest and the perfect sacrifice. Jesus the Christ continues his priestly role at each celebration of the Eucharist
T/F When Jesus responded to Pilate, “You say so,” Jeus meant, “No I am Not”
What inscription did pilate instruct the soldiers to put of the cross?
Jesus, the Nazarean, The king of the Jews (INRI)
Jesus was the kign of what?
King of the Jews and of all the people. But he does not lord it over others. He came as the Son of God to serve through suffering and dying for us to bring about our salvatio and rules with gentleness, compassion and love
What did God instruct the Chosen People to do with lamb during the Passover feast?
kill an unblemished lamb and sprinkle its blood on the doorposts and lintels of thier dwelling, eat with unleavened bread and bitter herbs
What did teh sacrificial lamb symbolize for the israelites?
salvation and freedom
What does St. Paul call Jesus in the New Testament?
The paschal lamb who has been sacrificed
What did John that baptist declare about Jesus?
That he was not only the Lamb of God but also the son f God
What is the significance of Jons report that Jesus’ Death on the cross took place at the exact moment when the passover lambs were slaughtered in the Jerusalem Temple?
Safricie of Jesus ends all sacrifices. The blood of the slain lamb saved the israelites, Blood of the true lamb replaced the death of all other sacrificial lambs
T/F Every Catholic mass commemorates the acrifices the lamb of God in an unbloody mannor?
What does the word savior mean?
one who protects us from present or future danger
What does the name Jesus mean?
savior or God saves
What happens when christians apply the title Lord to the name name of Jesus?
it translates the Greek word Kurios, which translates the Hebrew word Adonai
What is Adonai?
is was the word the chosen people used whenever YHWH would appear in Hebrew Scriptures
T/F To give Jesus the title Lord is to state that he is God.
What are other NT titles for Jesus?
Advocate, Author of Eternal Salvation, Deliverer, Divine Physician, Head of the Church, Living Water, Mediator, Prince of Life
What is a symbol?
an external sign of some reality. Jesus himself is a symbol, the perfect symbol of his father, God’s own word, and a visible sign of the invisible God
what help christians to grasp important truths about jesus
cross w greek letters
jesus christ the conqueror
what does jesus christ the conquerer convey?
jesus has conquered sin and death
what are the letters in jesus christ the conquerer
IC- first and last letter of Greek word for Jesus
XC- first and last letters of Greek word for Christ
NIKA- greek word that means to conquer
- first and last letters of the greek alphabet
- from Book of Revelation
- jesus is the beginning and completion of all history
Alpha and Omega
jesus of nazareth, king of the jews
roman authorities posted the crime of those being crucified on their cross for all to see
what were the languages that the crime of the crucified in palestine in
hebrew, latin, and greek
first 2 letters of the greek word for greek word for christ (xpiotos)
symbol for christ and christians bc of the anagram for the first letters of the words in a short creed : Jesus Christ Son of God Savior , in greek this means
first 3 letters of the name jesus in greek
jesus takes away the sins of the world. with his passion and death, he made himself the perfect sacrifice to redeem us from our sins. he is the priest and victim
lamb (of god)
when does the church issue a pronouncement
when something is questioned
false teachings about the church
leading someone down the wrong path
choosing to teach false things
not aware of logical progression
who clarified church teaching about jesus and the trinity during the first 5 centuries of christianity
church fathers
important bishops, theologians, teachers, and scholars whose writings have greatly contributed to church doctrine and practice
church fathers
heresy that jesus only appeared to be human
docetism is a form of _____, which claims that jesus shared a secret knowledge with only a few close friends - these people denied jesus’ humanity and therefore his Resurrection - this denies the universal aspect of christianity
what says that matter is bad and spirit is good
matter is bad, humans are made of matters, jesus can’t be humans since he is divine and that is good
greek of docetism
Dokein - to appear
who corrects docetism
St. Irenaeus by using the Gospel of John, which says the word became flesh and dwelt among us, which mean that matter is good
true established teaching
what book did St. Irenaeus write that was against Gnostic belief and spreads the message of salvation for all
Against Heresies
jesus was not god, but only the greatest of creatures (mule - 1/2 donkey, 1/2 horse) whom God adopted as his son
when and who created arianism
arius in 3rd century
who corrected arianism
St. Athanasius and others at Council of Nicaea in 325
what was a result of the Council of Nicaea
Nicene Creed - details the most essential beliefs of orthodox christiany
what do objects have
substance - matter God uses
accidents - things noticeable by senses
jesus is in the same ____ as God
substance - it is divinity
essay 1: Why do we need Jesus to be fully human?
- he can’t die, so he can’t rise
- can’t take on sin
- can’t be Son of Man
- can’t be born
- PROTOEVANGELIUM- perfect obedience to God’s will , which will reverse the fall - through one man, all sin and so through one man all are saved
essay 2: Why do we need Jesus to be fully divine?
- can’t be Son of God
- can’t forgive sin
- can’t bring salvation
- can’t open gates of heaven
when/what was the council ofnicaea upheld
at the second ecumenical council at Constantinople in 381
Father of Orthodoxy
st. Athansius - bc of his leadership in defending the tru teaching of Christianity
there are 2 persons in Jesus - one human and one divine
Mary was only the mother of the human Jesus and shouldn’t be called the mother of God
where and who for Nestorianism
nestorius, who was the patriarch of Constantinople
who, when, where corrected nestorianism
St. Cyril of Alexandria at Council of Ephesus in 431
Mary is Theotokos, which is
Greek for God-bearer
Christ is one person with 2 natures
hypostatic union - this is orthodoxy taught by St. Cyril
What symbol is the first 2 letters of the Greek word for Christos?
What symbol is the first 3 letters of the name of jesus in Greek?
What ymbol is Jesus is the begining and the end of all history?
Alpha and Omega
What symbol is an anagram for the first letters of a short creed: Jesus Christ Son of God Savior?
What is the symbol where Jesus christ is victorious?
Jesus Christ the Conqueror
What symbol is Jesus is the one who takes away the sins of thw world?
What symbol abreviates the latin words that would have been posted the crime Jesus was convicted of?
What is a heresy?
false teaching, denial of some truth or truths of the Catholic Faith, teachings, of the apostles or what is written in the Gospels and other new testament books
What happens when the false teachings challenge traditional Church taeching and mislead people?
the magesterium must clarify what catholics should believe by issuing clear and precise statements that every generation of believers will hold the truths about our faith
What do catholics belive of about Jesus’ life?
that he lives in his church and promisesd to be with us always through the power of the Holy Spirit
Who did jesus appoint to lead the church?
Peter, the apostles, and thier successors
What were the church fathers?
Bishops, theologians, teachers and scholars whose writings have greatly contributed to church doctrine and practice
What did the church fathers help clarify?
church teachings about Christs’ identity and Blessed Trinity
T/F The apostles and bishops gathered in several ecumentical councils that issued dogmatic teachings about the catholic fith including the promulgation of the Nicene Creed
Who actually gathered in several ecumentical councils that issued dogmatic teachings about the catholic fith including the promulgation of the Nicene Creed
church fathers
Which heresy held that Jesus only seemed to be human?
Docestism is a form of what?
Form of Gnostism which falsley held that Jesus shared secret knowledge with just a few close friends.
What does both Docetism and Gnostism deny.
The true humanity of Jesus as well as his Resurrectionn
Which Church father taught that bc the Roman Church traces her authority back to Peter, it is the true source of right teaching and belief?
St. Irenaus
What did Arius deny?
that Jesus was equal to God the Father, rejecting the teaching of the Incarnation, that God became man
What did Arius teach?
that Jesus was gods greatest creature and an adopted Son of God, but rejected the idea that Jeus is God
What is the teaching of Athanasius that Jesus had to be divine?
Jesus is the same substance as God, he is the very thing that St. Thomas recognized when he addressed the risen lord as “My Lord and My God” Taught if Christ isn’t divine then he can’t be our savior
What did Nestorius teach?
That there were 2 persons in Jesus-one divine, one human. He refused to call Mary “the Mother of God” bc he claimed that she was mother to only the “human Jeus”
What does the title Theotokos say about Mary?
means “God-bearer” she bore God-Jesus
What did Eutyches claim about the divine nature of Jesus?
claimed that the divine nature of Jesus absorbed his human nature, swallowed up “Like a drop of honey into thr water of the sea”
What is Eutyches hersesy known as?
Monophysitism and in effect, it denies that Jesus was truly human
What was the famous Chalcedon formula taught by the Council of Chalcedon?
Jesus is 1 person, 2 natures, a divine nature and a human nature
What teachings about Jesus came from the early ecumenical councils?
Jesus is the only son of God, Jesus christ is true god, jesus is the begotten not made one in being w/ the father, all things were made through the son, there is only 1 person in christ the divine person, mary by conceiving gods son, is truly the mother of god,
T/F the son always existed with the father- he was neither “made” nor “generated” by the father
divine nature of jesus completely swallowed up his human nature - so jesus only had one nature, which is divine
Monophysitism - means one soul
heretic, corrector, council, orthodoxy of monophysitism
Eutyches Pope St. Leo the Great Council of Chalcedon 2nd and 3rd Councils of Constantinople Jesus is one Divine Person w 2 natures - human and divine
important 3 teachings of councils and council
Jesus is consubstantial w the Father. He is divine - Nicaea
Mary is truly the Mother of God (Theotokos) - Ephesus
Jesus is one Divine person w two natures: human and divine - Chalcedon
Chalcedon formula
Jesus is one Divine Person w two natures: human and divine