Chapter 3 Terms Midterm Flashcards
the official list of inspired books of the Bible. Catholics list 46 OT books and 27 OT books in theirs
the “fathers of the faith”
male rulers, elders , or rulers
abraham, isaac, jacob
an important ancient greek translation of the OT. comes from latin word for 70, referring to the 70 scholars that translated it
greek word that means hidden. catholics- refers to literature not in bible ex: 1 Esdras and book of jubilees
protestants and jews- books catholics consider inspired that are not found in their canons.
apocryphal books
what are the apocryphal books
sirach baruch 1 &2 maccabees wisdom tobit judith
greek for 2nd canon. books in OT not in Hebrew scriptures.
giving worship to someone or something other than the true God
4 prophets whose books are lengthy: isaiah, jeremiah, ezekiel, daniel
major prophets
12 OT prophets whose sayings are shorter: hosea, joel, amos, obadiah, jonah, micah, nahum, habakkuk, zephaniah, haggai, zechariah, malachi
minor prophets
greek word for revelation. refers to type of highly symbolic literature that contains apparitions about the future and the final judgement. used to give hope to persecuted people that gods goodness will triumph over evil
exiles and former exiles who remained faithful to YHWH during time of captivity and who were expected to restore Jerusalem
core or essential message of the gospel that jesus christ is lord
one who proclaims the word and deed of jesus christ. refers to 4 authors of the gospels
greek word that means teaching. refers to the earliest known writing in christianity other than NT
process of systematic education in the faith for young people and adults with the view of making them disciples of jesus christ
official public worship of the church. is christs work of redemption and his continuing work of redemption as he pours out his blessings through the sacraments. holy spirit enlightens our faith and encourages us to respond. in this way, it is the participation of the people of god in the work of the trinity. sacraments and divine office constitute this. mass is most important.