Chapter 1 Test Midterm Flashcards
relationship between god and humanity that results in a body of beliefs and a set of practices
religions that believe there is only one god
the existence a person who denies the existence of god
religions that believe in the existence of many gods and goddesses
an indifference to religion and a belief that religions should be excluded from civic affairs
a vice contrary to the virtue of religion that directs us away from what we owe to god in justice
the belief that gods existence cannot be known
the way god communicates knowledge of himself to humanity, a self communication realized by his actions and words over time, most fully by his sending us his divine son, Jesus christ
divine revelation
famous german astronomer who discovered that the earth and planets travel about the sun in elliptical orbits
johannes kepler
dominican friar who set out five proofs for gods existence
st thomas aquinas
a practical judgment of reason that helps a person decide the goodness or sinfulness of an action or attitude
the sin of disobedience committed by adam and eve that resulted in their loss of original holiness and justice and their becoming subject to sin and death
original sin
an attribute of god that he is everywhere, unlimited, and all powerful
a binding and solemn agreement between human beings or god and people, holding each to a particular course of action
the official teaching authority of he church
every culture and religion seek truth bc truth exists.
it is through the paschal mystery that we as human beings have received the ultimate truth.
the two largest religions in the world are christianity and judaism
false- 3: christianity, judaism, islam
our human faculties make us capable of coming to knowledge of the existences of a person god
the single deposit of faith includes sacred scripture and sacred tradition
the first vatican council stated that the truth attained by philosophy and the truth of revelation are neither identical nor mutually exclusive
philosophy and natural sciences are contained within natural reason
freedom is not realized in decisions made against god
one of the proofs of gods existence is the first cause
free will enables us to think
god created the world and then left us alone to discover him
false- he’s with us still
covenants with adam, noah, moses, and jesus are all covenants from the OT
false- not jesus but the rest are
god sent prophets to help his people to know him
elijah, ezekiel, isaiah are all prophets who have books named after them in the bible
false- not elijah, it’s supposed to be daniel and jeremiah
god made the covenant with noah on mount sinai
false- moses
the single deposit of faith is made up of:
sacred scripture and sacred tradition
the _____ books are a body of writings of proverbs, riddles, stories, and similar types of writings to serve as a guide to daily successful living
_______ is from the greek, meaning one who speaks before others
______ means handing down
_____ means books
_____ and _____ come from the same greek word and are often used interchangeably
covenant and testament
the ______ has 27 books
new testament
the ______ has 46 books
old testament