Chapter 4 Flashcards
Who is traditionally named as the author of the Pentateuch?
Who is the central figure of the Pentateuch?
Who looked to Moses as the source of the laws and traditions recorded there?
Employs an anthropomphetic view of God
Place great empahsis on mortality and the law?
Places great emphasis on the prophecies of Elijah and Elisha
Includes census lists, geneologies, numbers and dates
Tells stories from the northern kingdoms point of view, emphasizing monarchy
Refers to God as Elohim and was the last of the 4 traditions put into writing
Uses the name YHWH for God
Highights the speeches of Moses
What reveals great truths about the world’s humanitys orgins
genesis creation stories
What truths do the genesis creation stories reveal?
that there is one God and that human were creatred out of God’s goodness
In what ways to the first and second creation stories differ?
The first creation story has a style that is forceful, stately, and grand. Creation is an awesome, dramatic act by a glorious and majestic God. The second is much lighter in tone and down-to-earth. It paints a picture of an anthropomorphic God and is the older of the two accounts.
What tradition does the first creation story draw on?
the israelite tradition of the 7 day week in which the sabbath was a day of rest and prayer.
What does each day of creation represent?
a higher level of creation with the creation of humans as the pinnacle of God’s design
What are the 4 religious truths the priestly account of creation wants to reveal?
It wants to reveal: (a) There is only one God; (b) God planned creation; (c) Everything that God made is good; (d) The Sabbath is a special day of rest and worship.
T/F Like many acient peoples the jews beleived that much of the material reality was evil and at war with with the spiritual elements in the universe.
false it was the babylonians
What is the point of the story when it says that God rested on the 7th day?
The point is for God’s creatures to take time for rest, renewal, and worship a kind and loving God who is the source of our existence.
What author is the 2nd creation story by?
Yahwist author
What does the yahwist author portrey
porteyts god as a potter who molds adams body and breaths his spirit. it shows intimacy between God and the first human being a loving relationship of shared life
What does the second story provide?
a reason why men and women leave their parents to form their own families. the couple is to enter into a close relationship that mirrors gods own relationship with them
What does the opening passage in the Gospel of John echo what in Genesis?
“In the beginning” Gods opening verses teaches about the incarnation the union of the devine human natures in the one person of the world, jesus christ
What do chapters 3-11 in Genesis relate to?
how humans declared indepedance from God through disobedience, the abuse of freedom, and lack trust in him. They tell how sin entered the human race through consequences