Chapter 1 Terms Midterm Flashcards
the relationship between god and humans that results in a body of beliefs and a set of practices:creed,cult,code. expresses itself in worship and service to god and by extension to all people and all creation
a vice contrary to the virtue of religion that directs us away from what we owe to god in justice
an indifference to religion and a belief that religion should be excluded from civic affairs and public education
religions that believe there is only one god. Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are 3 exampls
religions that believe in the existance of many godsand goddesses
a person who denies the existance of god
the belief that gods existance cannot be known
the way god communicates knowledge of himself to humankind, a self-communication realized by his actions and words over time, more fully by his sending us his divine Son, Jesus Christ
Divine Revelation
a practical judgement of reason that helps a person decide the goodness of sinfulness of an action or attitude. it is the subjective norm of mortality we must form properly and then follow
the sin of disobedience committed by Adam and Eve that resulted in their loss of original holiness and justice and their becoming sin and death. describe the fallen state of human nature into which all generations of people are bron. christ saved us from this
original sin
an attribute of God that he is everywhere, unlimited, and all-powerful
the story of God;s saving action in human history
Salvation History
a binding and solemn agreement between human beings or between God and people holding each to a particular course of action
the living transmission of the church’s gospel message found in the church’s teaching, life and worship. It is faithfully preserved, handed down, and interpreted by the churchs magesterium
sacred tradition
the written record of Devine Revelation found in the books of the Old Testament and the New testament
Sacred Scripture
the official teaching authority of the church. the lord bestowed the right and power tp teach his name on Peter and Apostles and their successors. it is the bishops communion with the successor of Peter, the bishop of Rome
the surgical removal od the male foreskin; it was the physical sign of the covenant between God and Abraham
this word is from the greek meaning “one who speaks before others.” God entrusted the Hebrew prophets with delivering the devine message to rulers and the people. Most of them were unpopular in their own day. Their style was poetic and memorable . Most of their prophecies were written only at a later time
a central truth of revelation that catholics are obligated to belive
a gift from god, one of the 3 theological virtues. refers to personal knowledge of God; assent of the mind to truths God has revealed, made with the help of his grace and on the authority and trustworthiness of his revealing them; the truths themselves; and the lived witnes of a christian life
“Firm attitudes, stable dispositions, habitual prefections of intellect and will that govern our actions, order our passions and guide our conduct according to reason and faith
3 foundational virtuaks infused by God into the souls of the faithful:faith, hope, and charity
theological virtues
the heritage of faith contained in sacred scripture and tradition, handed down in the church from the time of the apostles, from which the magesterium draws all that is proposes for belief as being devinely inspired
Deposit of Faith