Chapter 7 Flashcards
Son of God
A title for the Messiah indicating a unique relationship with God the Father.
Gods end times Savior sent to deliver his people. From a Hebrew term meaning anointed one and translated into Greek as Christ.
The act of the driving or casting out of an evil spirit possessing a person. Jesus taught that his exorcisms revealed the presence and power of the kingdom of God.
A sandwiching technique similar to inclusio, where one episode is inserted into the middle of another. The two episodes are generally related to a common theme.
A pattern or group of three,a common literary device in Marks gospel.
A rhetorical device where the apparent meaning is contrary to the real meaning.
Messianic Secret
A pattern in Mark whereby Jesus repeatedly silences those who recognize him to be Messiah or the Son of God.
Beelzebub controversy
A key episode in the synoptic gospels in which Jesus is accused of casting out demons by Satans power and responds by accusing his opponents of blaspheming the Holy Spirit.
Confession of Peter
a key transitional passage in the synoptic gospels where Peter acknowledges that Jesus is the messiah an Jesus begins to speak about his upcoming death.
Passion prediction
Jesus prediction of his upcoming death.
Servant of The Lord
A reference to Jesus as the messianic figure who appears repeatedly in Isaiah 40-55 and especially in a Suffering role in Isaiah 52:13-53:12.
The mountaintop revelation of Jesus true glory to three disciples Peter, James, John. Mark 9:2-8
Son of Man
Jesus most common self designation, the title is likely drawn from Daniel 7:13 and refers to Jesus true humanity as well as his role as glorious redeemer.
Triumphal Entry
The traditional designation for Jesus entrance into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, riding a donkey and fulfilling the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9
Parable of Wicked tenant farmers
An important parable of Jesus that allegorized his rejection by Israel’s leaders
Olivet discourse
Jesus message to the disciples given on the Mount of Olives concerning the destruction of the temple and the end of the age
Nature miracles
A designation given to miracles which demonstrate Jesus authority over nature, such as turning water to wine, multiplying loaves and fishes, walking on water, and calming the storm.
Kingdom of God
The central theme of Jesus preaching, referring especially to Gods sovereign reign and authority, but also to the consummation of the reign in an end times kingdom
The role of those who follow Jesus as their Lord.
An earthly heresy which claimed that Jesus was not a real human being but only appeared to have a physical body