Chapter 2 Flashcards
Historical criticism
- Historical Jesus
- Form criticism
- Source criticism
- Redaction criticism
Four stages of the development of the gospel
- The life death and resurrection of the historical Jesus
- The period of oral tradition
- The period of written sources
- The writing of the gospels themselves
Literary criticism
Examine the gospels in the final form
Synoptic problem
The questions of the relationships between the synoptic gospels. Which was written first, are they dependent on each other? And if so which was written first.
Source criticism
Recognition that some written sources are behind the gospels
Markan priority
Mark is the oldest gospel and the prototype for the other gospels (theory)
Two source theory
Mark + Q (the synoptic sayings source)
Four source theory
Mark +Q + M(Matthews unique material) + L(Luke’s unique material)
Griesbach hypothesis/ two gospel hypothesis
The view that Matthew was written first, Luke used Matthew, and mark is an abridged version of them both
Cautions on the synoptic problem
- Source theories remain theories
- Markan priority best explains the available evidence.
- The nature of other sources like Q,M, and L remains unknown
- The importance of eye witness testimony and oral traditions must be taken into account
- Church tradition about authorship should be taken seriously, but is not infallible
A short self contained gospel episode, such as a miracle story, parable, or pronouncement which may have originally circulated as a independent unit of oral tradition
Sitz im leben
A setting in life
Goals of form criticism
- the classify and analyze forms(mini-genres)
- Determine the church context in which the form originated and was used(sitz im leben)
- The trace the history of its transmission in the church (tradition criticism)
Positive contributions of form criticism
- The importance of preaching the Gospel in the Early Church
- The importance of genre identification
- The importance of individual pericopae
Important weaknesses and dangers of form criticism
- Presuppositions of Nonhistoricity and an Antisupernatural Bias
- An exclusively oral period
- problems of classification
- Subjectivity in identifying the setting in life and tracing a transmission history
The goals of redaction criticism
- to analyze how the Gospel writers “redacted” or edited their sources
- to discern from this redaction the theological emphases of each writer
- To determine each author’s purpose in writing
- To identify the community situation, or setting in life (sitz im leben), within which the author wrote
Positive contributions of redaction criticism
- Redaction criticism affirms that the Evangelists were purposeful writers and not mere compilers of material
- Redaction criticism treats the Gospels as wholes and so corrects the approach of form criticism, which looks only at individual units of tradition
- By comparing the Gospels, redaction criticism affirms the unique theological contribution of each Evangelist.
Potential weakness of reduction criticism
- Many reduction critics too quickly assume that a saying or story found in only one Gospel was created by the writer
- Redaction critics tend to find theological significance in every alteration made by the Evangelists.
- high degree of subjectivity