Chapter 10 Flashcards
Johannine community
The early Christian community which preserved the teachings of John about Jesus as represented in the gospel of John the three letters of John and perhaps revelation
I am statements
Jesus characteristic use of metaphors to describe himself in johns gospel
The introduction to johns gospel which identifies Jesus as the logos and provides the most exalted statement of Christology in the NT
A Greek title given to Jesus in the prologue of Johns gospel which has conceptual roots in both Judaism and Hellenistic philosophy and which stresses Jesus identity as the self revelation of god
Beloved disciple
The figure who appears in the gospel of John as the disciple whom Jesus loved, traditionally identified as John
Book of signs
The first major section of the gospel of John 1:19-12:50,which describes a series of signs which reveal Jesus glory and call people to faith in him
Book of glory
The second major section of the gospel of John 13:1-20:31, made up of his farewell discourse and his glorification a designation in Johannine theology which refers to his passion, resurrection, and ascension
The Jewish religious leader who came to Jesus by night and later aided Joseph of arimathea with the burial of Jesus
The term in John for miracles which reveal Jesus glory and call forth faith in him
Inverse parallelism, a concentric pattern in which series of things repeats itself in reverse order
Lamb of god
Title given to Jesus by John the Baptist indicating his sacrificial death as the Passover lamb and suffering servant of Isaiah 53
Miracle at Cana
The first miracle of Johns gospel Jesus turns water into wine, Symbolizing the messianic banquet
The theological perspective of the gospel of John, which envisions a strict dichotomy between opposing forces of good and evil in the world: god versus satan, truth versus falsehood, light versus darkness. A different kind of dualism, that between the material world and the spiritual world, called Gnosticism
Raising of Lazarus
The climactic miracle of Johns gospel, which provokes religious leaders
Farewell discourse
Jesus teaching following the last supper in John in which he promises his continuing presence through the Holy Spirit
A description that Jesus gives to the Holy Spirit in his farewell discourse in Johns gospel meaning advocate, counselor or comforter
High priestly prayer
Traditional name given to Jesus prayer for his disciples in John 17, in which. He acts as a priestly mediator for them
Ontological equality
The phrase meaning equality of essence or being while equal to God the father in being Jesus lived in functional subordination to him
Functional subordination
The Johannine concept that while Jesus was fully equal with God in his being he lived in full submission to and dependence on God
The World
A term which in John often has the connotation of the evil world system as ruled by Satan
Eternal life
One of John’s favorite expressions for salvation it refers not only to immortal life that never ends but also to true spiritual life which believers possess in the present
realized eschatology
The theological perspective reflected especially in John’s Gospel that gods end time salvation is already a present possession in the life of the believer
John the elder
An individual mentioned by the early church father Papias and considered by some to be the author of the fourth Gospel others consider this another name for John the apostle
John Ryland’s manuscript P 52
A small papyrus fragment of the Gospel of John dated to the early part of the second century and probably the earliest surviving manuscript of any part of the New Testament
An early heresy which claim that Jesus was not a real human being but only appeared to have a physical body