Chapter 7 Flashcards
a mental process resulting from external information experienced through the sensory organs and transmitted to the brain
the interpretation of sensory input
Empiricists (William James)
infants must learn to interpret sensations
nativists (Rene Descartes)
Basic perceptual abilities are innate
- Enrichment theory (Piaget)
we must add to sensory stimulation by drawing on the stored knowledge in order to perceive a meaningful world
-cognitive schemes are needed
- Differentiation theory (Gibson)
-sensory info can be interpreted on its own
-kids learn to detect distinctive features
Preference method (Franz)
-two stimuli presented
-some babies prefer one stimuli over the other
-infants can discriminate patterns and had preference
Habituation method
-stimuli presented repeatedly and continue until infants response habituates
Dishabituation: a increase in responsiveness that occurs when the stimulation changes
-discriminate from mothers voice
-fetuses in third trimester can make distinctions
-quickly recognize words and voices
Taste, smell, touch, temp, pain
-have taste preference
-react to noxious odours
-recognize moms scent
-sensitive to temp and pain
-least mature sense
-require sharper visual contrast
-crude colour vision
-prefer moms face over stranger
intermodal perception
ability to use one sensory modality to identify something already familiar in another sensory modality
ex. recognizing a golf ball by touch instead of sight
development of intermodal perception
-matching of visual and auditory cues for faces/speech, distance, spatial location
-newborns prefer mothers face to those of a stranger, but this preference disappears if they cant hear them
operant conditioning
learner first emits a response and the associates the action with the pleasant or unpleasant consequence
reinforcer, pos and neg
reinforcer- any consequence that strengthens likelihood of a response occuring
pos- any stimulus present at the consequence of an act, increases the liklihood of a response occuring
neg- something unplesant is removed from situation