Chapter 7 Flashcards
Globally in 2019, aquatic foods provide about 17% of animal proteins and _____ of all proteins.
What was the 3rd largest segment within the meat, poultry and seafood market?
True or False. Around 90% of Americans do not eat the DGA recommendation.
According to the new DGA, Americans should eat at least
26 pounds of fish
What comes out of salmon when you cook it?
What is rich in essential amino acids, has a biological value and can be digested easily?
Metric tons 1000 kilograms
US 2000 pounds
In fish ______ is generally low.
What minerals are found in fish sources?
Selenium and iodine
By the time the fish temperature is reduced to about -5°C how much water is frozen?
About 70%
What are the four post-mortem changes in fish muscles?
Sensory changes
Autolytic changes
Bacteriological changes
Lipid Oxidation and hydrolysis
__________ are paramount importance for the quality and shelf life of products.
Biochemical reactions
What factors can impact biochemical reactions?
type of fish species
physiological conditions of the fish
killing procedures
List quality characteristics related to. freshnesss
Appearance, flavor, aroma, texture, viscosity, and shelf life stability
What are the most pervasive problems of freshness?
control of staling and prevention of mositure migration
What is K value?
the ratio of the sum of inosine and hypoxanthine concentrations to the total concentrationsof ATP metabolites
Directly after the catch, the muscle tissue of healthy fish is free from bacteria, but not the ____________.
gills, skin and intestines
Bacteria are also responsible for the formation of _________ from precursor amino acids in spoiling fish by decarboxylation, such as histamine.
biogenic amines
what two reactions can occur in chilled or frozen fish?
Lipid hydrolysis and lipid oxidation
What are 3 factors affecting protein denaturation in fish muscle during frozen storage?
Moisture, lipid and enzyme
True or False. Fish muscle protein solubility can be affected by cold storage.
True or False. As the storage time increases protein solubility decreases
True or False. Product substitution of domestic seafood products is rampant in all parts of the U.S.
What is the main motive for seafood substitution?
Economic fraud
What are 4 concerns in regard to seafood substitution?
Health risk
Loss of nutritional value
Eating preference/ethics
Potential food allergy
What kind of salmon contains a higher ratio of Omega 3:6?
Wild caught
____ of seafood sold in Asian restaurants and groceries are fraudulently labeled?
True or False. ~ 58% of the samples deemed mislabeled by the FDA are species with health risks for consumers.
A food shall be deemed to be misbranded if it is offered for sale under the name of another food.
Misbranded food
What is a unique fish that is not commonly mislabelled?
What retail type has the highest % of mislabeling?
Sushi venues
What is the most commonly mislabeled fish?
Which area in Florida has the lowest level of mislabeling?
South Florida
What is mislabeled as “red snapper”?
Silk snapper
Lane snapper
Pacific dog snapper
madai snapper
True or False. Fisherman are harvesting more than half of the worlds oceans.
What does IUU mean?
Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing
What does IUU fishing threaten?
Sustainability of the seafood industry as well as the safety and quality of seafood available to consumers
What was adopted to detect seafood fraud?
DNA-based speciation
What method is based on dietary isotopes to fight seafood fraud?
Location methods
What dietary isotopes are used?
Carbon and nitrogen
What animal types would stable isotope-based location method not work for?
Large, high trophic, migratory animals
What are two invasive species we discussed in class?
Asian carp and the lion fish
What barrier is currently in place to deter the Asian carp?
Bubble barrier
What hazard is produced during food processing, storage, and preparation?
Histamine food poisoning
What hazards are a result of environmental, industrial, and agricultural contaminants?
Mercury, PCBS, Ciguatera fish poisoning, and red tide
What is another name for histamine fish posioning?
What is caused by the ingestion of foods that contain high levels of histamine?
True or False. Scombroid is heat stable.
When does histamine positioning occur?
When the fish have not been chilled immediately
Fish becomes toxic when bacteria produce histamine due to ___________.
time temperature abuse
What is food defect action level?
The maximum levels of natural or unavoidable defects in foods for human use that present no health hazard.
What is the defect action level for histamine?
50 ppm
What is a method of histamine detection in seafood?
Fluorometric method
What is an organochlorine contaminant?
What is the more toxic organic form of mercury?
What is a heavy metal that bioaccumulates?
What is the FDA action level of methylmercury?
What is the EPA maximum contaminant level?
2ppm (inorganic mercury in drinking water)
Mercury can also pass the placenta and be taken up by the fetus and affect the development of ________.
the nervous system
What is the name of the action plan launched in 2021?
FDA closer to zero action plan
What fish has high levels of mercury that is sold as a pricey luxury item?
When was the stop of PCBs in manufacturing?
What happens to PCBs when they enter the environment?
They are stable, persistent, and bioaccumulates
Where are PCBs mainly stored in the body?
Fat and liver
How can PCBs affect human health?
Skin conditions, liver damage and cancer
How does PCBs affect children?
Body weight loss, abnormal responses and immune system is affected
FDA and Health Canada: the current limit of PCBs in all fish is _____.
What were real-life examples of PCB contaminations?
Hudson river and Indiana
PCB mediated effects on _______________________ threaten the long term viability of the world’s killer whale populations.
reproduction and immune function
Concentrations of these contaminants are significantly higher in ________________.
farmed salmon than in wild
True or False. European-raised salmon have significantly greater contaminant loads than those raised in north and south America.
True or False. Consumption of farmed Atlantic salmon may pose health risks that detract from the beneficial effects of fish consumption.
What is caused by the consumption of subtropical and tropical fish, which have accumulated naturally occurring neurotoxins, ciguatoxins, through their diet?
Ciguatera fish poisoning
Ciguatoxins originate from several _________ species.
Dinoflagellate (algae)
What is a result of the rapid growth of reddish marine alga?
Red tide
What species cause the florida red tide?
Dinoflagellate, karina brevis
What does K. brevis produce?
What neurotoxins can be concentrated in the tissues of shellfish?
What symptoms are linked to neurotoxic shellfish poisoning?
Gastrointestinal and neurologic
What are 3 biological food hazards?
Vibrio, Clostridium perfringens, and Campylobacter jejuni
What is an illness that occurs when bacteria enters the intestinal tract and then starts to produce a toxin?
Toxin-mediated infection
All pathogenic vibrio species require what for optimum growth?
What are general characteristics of Vibrio?
gram negative
non spore forming
What is a flesh eating bacteria?
Vibrio vulnificus
What are the virulence factors of vibrio vulnificus?
Produce are polysaccharide capsule
Produce a heat labile cytolysin and produce extracellular compounds
What has the highest fatality rate of any foodborne disease agent in the US?
What are the cause of Vulnificus?
Contaminated seafood and have an open wound exposed to seawater
What is cholera toxin?
A heat liable protein responsible for massive diarrhea
Vibrio cholerae can result in muscle cramping caused by ___________.
severe dehydration
Due to enterotoxin what has no evidence that antibiotic treatment decreases the severity or the length of illness?
Vibrio parahaemolyticus
What seafood toxin is considered adulteration?
Histamine fish poisoning
The lower the k value the
more fresh
5.5 is the optimal
meat pH