Chapter 4,5 and 6 Flashcards
True or False. The economic burden of a foodborne pathogen depends to a large extent on the number of deaths it causes per year.
What foodborne illness has the largest share of cases?
What foodborne pathogen shares the highest economic burden?
Salmonella, Listeria and Toxoplasma gondii
What is an illness transmitted to humans by food?
Foodborne illness
What causes foodborne illness?
Food spoilage and food contamination
Food spoilage is ________
obvious and detectable
What does not necessarily have the potential to cause foodborne illness?
food spoilage
What is a food contaminant?
Any biological, chemical, or physical material unintentionally added to food that may compromise its safety or suitability for consumption
What are reasons for food spoilage?
Food enzymes
What results in discoloration, off-flavor development and vitamin loss?
In ______ foods, the light only penetrates the outer layer of the product, and photodegradation occurs in the surface layer.
In _________ foods, light penetration can be greater, and with the mixing of the products due to agitation, larger portions of food constituents may deteriorate.
What compound forms in meat by the interaction of myoglobin and nitrite in the curing process?
What does 97% of all cases result from?
improper food handling
What is characterized by a decline in eating quality?
What items contain high concentrations of protein and/or water?
Why are potatoes are an example of a semi-perishable food?
They contain less water
What enhances the growth of Microorganisms, causes oxidation and damages foods with the help of oxidizing enzymes?
Air and oxygen
What does PV stand for?
Peroxide value
What does the TBA value represent?
the aldehyde levels in the lipidic fraction of foods that have been autoxidized
What does excessive heat increase?
the rate of natural food enzyme reactions and other chemical reactions
Uncontrolled cold temps will cause _________ spoilage.
What is the danger zone according to USDA?
40 to 140°F
What is the danger zone according to the FDA?
41 to 135°F
Keep hot foods
keep cold foods
Moisture loss or gain is an example of what change?
True or false. Relative humidity of the environment affects the keeping quality of the food.
What is the FAT TOM used for?
in the food service industry
What does FAT TOM describe?
six favorable conditions
food, acidity, time, temperature, oxygen, and moisture.
What is a natural indicator of shelf life and safety of a product?
what spilt proteins?
What splits lipids?
What spilts carbs?
What oxidizes compounds?
True or false. The proportion of the population at serious risk of foodborne illness is increasing with the aging of the U.S. population and the growing number of people with weakened immune systems.
True or False. The manner in which farmers raise animals can contribute to an increase in food safety problems.
What is sanitizing?
A producer that reduces the number of potentially harmful microorganisms to safe levels on food contact surfaces
What are the 3 phases of detergency?
Penetration, suspension and rinsing
Turn fat into soap by reaction with an alkali
form colloidal solutions and result in a clear solution with insoluble precipitates
What are the 2 methods of sanitation?
heat and chemical
What are 3 types of sanitizers?
Chlorine, iodine, and quaternary ammonium
What is the level of drinking water disinfectant below which there is no known or expected risk to health?
What will leave solution at 120 °F
What is an advantage of chemical sanitizing?
saving energy (lower water temp)
What is an assemblage of surface-associated microbial cells that is enclosed in an extracellular polymeric substance matrix?
What is a flexible antimicrobial process with potential applications to a wide variety of foods?
Cold plasma
What is EOW?
Electrolyzed oxidizing water
What are the main types of EOW?
Acidic, basic and neutral
True or False. Biofilm cells offered greater resistance when compared to their planktonic counterparts.
What is still under investigation?
The main principle for the antimicrobial activity
What are the 3 Es for a safety campaign?
Engineering, education and enforcement.
What is shelf life?
The period of time under defined conditions of storage, after manufacturing or packaging, for which a food product will remain safe and be fit for use
Who regulates food labels?
Federal law
True or False. USDA and FDA do not regulate most date labels and are not required to do so by federal law.
What do many shelf life studies rely on?
A single failure criterion
What is the single most important environmental factor that influences spoilage mechanisms?
What is challenge testing?
A lab investigation on the behavior of a product when subjected to a set of controlled experimental conditions
What is ASLT?
Accelerated shelf life testing
What is ASLT used for?
to shorten the time required to estimate a shelf life, which can otherwise take an unrealistically long time to determine.
The most common form of ASLT, therefore, relies on storing food at an ________________.
elevated temperature
What is the only model appropriate for simple chemical systems?
Arrhenius model
ASLT is of limited use for short shelf life ____________.
Chilled foods
proportion of molecules that have sufficient energy to take place
exponential factor
What accounts for the frequency of collisions with the correct orientation?
Pre-exponential term (frequency factor)
True or False. Shelf life of foods is rarely affected by a single factor.
“No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong”
Albert Einstein
Food safety label examples
expires on
use by
Food quality label examples
best if used by
best by
freshest by
Every product should be recognized as having:
Microbial shelf life
chemical shelf life
functional shelf life
organolepetic shelf life
What does the Q10 model indicate?
The relative change in the rate constant for 10°C temperature change