Chapter 7 Flashcards
____________: The American Revolution was a movement exemplified by ____________ and _____________
The 2nd Continental congress
caution and limited radicalism
the 2nd Continental congress had 2 initial goals
raise and supply and army
negotiate reconciliation with england
congress chose virginian George Washington as commander of the newly created Continental army
get southerns on board and so colonial rebellion had wide support outside of new england
the olive branch petition
affirmed our loyalty to the king
tyranny of parliment
bunker hill
costly British victory
common sense written by
Thomas Paine, compelling argument for independence
list of grievances
-standing army in colonies
-taxation without representation in parliment
South Carolina and georgia
insisted that the grievances on slavery be removed (slave cause)
this summarizes the fundamental principles of American self government
the preamble
July 4 1776
reasons for reluctance to persue independence
fear it would destroy political stability
continental army
-enlistment bonuses
-free land
American: _____________
British: _______________
-repulse and defeat invading army
-divide and conquer, use Americans still loyal to the king (loyalists)
reasons British will show restraint
-sought to restore old colonial government
-restore loyalty not conquer
1st Continental army victory
on Christmas 1776 Washington led 2,400 men across the delaware river, attacked the hessians at trenton
the loyalists called tories by the patriots
wealthy merchants
who is a traitor?state laws defined treason as
anything that helped the british
general William horte takes his army and goes
south to capture philadelphia
British achieve victory at the beginning of their southern campaign
-georgia falls easily dec 1778
-south Carolina fell May 1780
Saratoga is the turning point of the American revolution
it convinces France that we can win and they sign an alliance with us Feb 1778
worst defeat of the war
Camden, south carolina
colonial tactics changed after camden
the back country (guerilla warfare)
treaty of Paris 1783-article 1
the king recognizes the independence of america