Chapter 14 Flashcards
proposed congress bar slavery in acquired Mexican lands
The Wilmot Proviso
____________ of Michigan (democract), first to propose “popular sovereignty”
Lewis Cass
anti slavery whigs and democrats formed a third party called the
Free Soil Party
1) Elimination of slave clause
-declaration of independence 1776
2) 3/5ths compromise
-constitution 1787
3) Missouri Compromise 1820
-36 30 line
4) The great compromise of 1850
radical southern secessionist
fire eaters
results of the Compromise of 1850
-california came in free
-new Mexico and Utah could decide themselves (popular sovereignty)
-abolish slave trade in D.C.
-tough new fugitive slave law
uncle Tom’s cabin written by
Harriet Beecher stowe
kanasas nebraska act of 1854, brain child of
Stephan f. austin
repeal of the Missouri compromise
the issue of __________ shatters the party, by 1856 they’re gone
protestant American backlash against the tidal wave of catholic imiginrts
the know nothings American party
oppose the extenion of slavery into the territories
wrote the opionion
chief justice Roger taney
The dredscott decision
1)Scott not a citizen therefore he cant sue anyone
2) Congress had no authority to prohibit slavery within the territories
3) it violated Americans due process, found in the 5th amendment
4) Missouri compromise was unconstitutional
lincoln ideology
-half moderate racial views, defended black humanity w/out challenging white supremacy
-slavery was morally wrong
-congress had to stop its spread “place it on the road to extinction”
-slaveholders were engaging in a conspiracy to nationalize slavery
attempts to seize the armory @harpers ferry virginia and incite a slave rebellion
John brown
moderate democract’s nominate John Bell of tennessee and form
unionist party
republican victory meant
economic catastrophe, social class, racial war
on Dec, 20 1860 __________ seceded from the union
S. Carolina
1) he reassured the south “no lawful right” to interfere w/slavery where it existed “no inclination to do so”
2) a pledge to “hold, occupy, and possess the property and places belonging to the gov. fort sumter
3) his argument that the federal union was indissolvable “perpetual”
4) a promise that while he would not be the first to attack any force of arms used against the united States would be regarded as rebellion and met w/force