Chapter 6.7 - Exam Review Flashcards
Who or what is the central element of the SHELL model of human factors?
The Pilot.
What does liveware to liveware interface simulate?
The interface between the Pilot and other people.
True or False. Stress affects everyone in the same way?
The most common type of stress is (acute/chronic) and results from pressures occurring at a given time?
True or False. Arousal is the physiological and psychological state of being awake?
Give an example of when a low level of stress or under-arousal may equate to complacency or boredom in a Pilot which can be dangerous due to lack of attention?
During extended cruising flight in perfect weather.
A Pilot’s performance will generally (deteriorate/improve) with the onset of stress/arousal and increase as arousal increases to moderate levels?
What happens to a Pilot’s performance as stress levels increase to the point where panic sets in?
Performance rapidly deteriorates.
List four physical stressors associated with environmental stress?
- Temperature and Humidity.
- Noise.
- Vibration.
- Oxygen Deprivation.
What is the body’s most comfortable temperature range?
Between 15° and 30°C.
The body is most comfortable at a relative humidity of around (80%/50%)?
Prolonged exposure to extreme cold can cause (a heightened awareness/drowsiness)?
A Pilot with heat stress symptoms is likely to lose (consciousness/concentration)?
Psychological stressors can exist in the workplace. Name three potential sources of stress at work?
- Peers.
- Management.
- Scheduling.
- Career Uncertainty.
- Operational Issues.
- Training Courses.
- Check Flights.
List three major life-based stressors?
- Loss of Income.
- Serious Illness.
- Death of a Family Member.
- Conflict in Relationships.
- Change in Residence.
True or False. Coping strategies for acute stress are of an immediate nature and often just involve taking a short break and/or doing some deep breathing exercises, depending on your situation?
True or False. Action coping is a strategy whereby individual takes some action to remove the stress by changing the situation?
One strategy used to cope with stress involves conscious detachment or even denying a problem exists. This strategy is called (action coping/cognitive coping)?
Cognitive Coping.
A go/no-go decision should be made (before each flight/only when a medical issue is evident)?
Before Each Flight.
True or False. A fatigued Pilot tends to lack concentration, is forgetful and makes errors of judgement?
The symptom of stress and fatigue are similar in that they can be emotional, behavioural or physical. Name three such symptoms?
- Irritability.
- Anger.
- Headache.
- Anxiety.
- Depression.
When energy reserves in our body have been seriously depleted for some reason, we are said to be (stressed/fatigued)?
List three possible causes of fatigue in Pilots?
- Mild Hypoxia.
- Physical Exertion.
- Dehydration.
- Excessive Caffeine.
- Poor Cockpit Design.
- Environmental Factors.
- Mental Stress.
True or False. Chronic fatigue is cumulative and usually extends over a relatively short term?
What is the best way to prevent or avoid fatigue?
Obtain adequate sleep.
True or False. Attention to personal fitness, relaxation and a proper diet is good management strategy to avoid or minimise fatigue?
List the three distinct types of memory?
- Short-term.
- Long-term.
- Sensory Memory.
What is another name for short-term memory?
Working Memory.
One limitation of STM is that without constant rehearsal, information is forgotten within a very short time between (10 to 20 seconds/10 to 20 minutes)?
10 to 20 seconds.
A characteristic of STM is that it is mainly (visual/acoustic)?
Short-term memory is (subject to error/almost error-free)?
Almost error-free.
The number of items that can be retained in short-term memory is about (twenty/seven)?
True or False. The number of items that can be retained in short-term memory is increased by the grouping of material?
Semantic memory is one type of LTM and is associated with (meaning/specific events)?
The reliability of our recall depends on how well information has been coded into our (STM/LTM)?
The (semantic/episodic) part of LTM is subject to error?
What is motor memory?
Automatic acquiring of motor skills.
True or False. Because motor skill acquisition is automatic, it does not require conscious monitoring?
List the three types of attention?
- Focused.
- Selective.
- Divided.
Sensation, perception, decision and response are the four stages of (long-term memory/information processing)?
Information Processing.
Sounds last for between (2 to 8 seconds/half to 1 second) in the auditory sensory?
2 to 8 seconds.
Visual images in our sensory memory last for about (one minute/one second)?
One second.
(Attitudes/Personalities) can be changed?
People who think they are invulnerable are (more likely/less likely) to take risks?
More likely.
Those who are smugly self-satisfied and think every flight will be the same, are said to have (an impulsive/a complacent) attitude?
A Complacent.
Autocratic Pilots, particularly those that have developed a ‘what’s the use’ attitude, (are/are not) usually effective in emergencies?
Are not.
True or False. Deeply-held attitudes are quire resistant to change?
Pilots with a (it won’t happen to me/Macho) attitude will try to prove themselves by taking risks to impress others?
What is the antidote for an ‘anti-authoritarian’ attitude?
Following the rules.
The way humans behave is influenced by, among other things, (personality/attitudes/both personality and attitudes)?
Both Personality and Attitudes.
From an aviation perspective, the most effective division of behaviour is into three types. What are they?
- Skill-based.
- Rule-based.
- Knowledge-based.
The personality type for most Pilots is a (stable introvert/stable extrovert)?
Stable Extrovert.
An aggressive and changeable person is most likely to be (a stable introvert/an anxious extrovert)?
An Anxious Extrovert.
People who are resigned to their fate and are reluctant to speak up or do something different if the situation demands it, are showing a hazardous attitude called (impulsivity/resignation)?