Chapter 4.7 - Exam Review Flashcards
What is the only situation in which Aircraft may enter Controlled Airspace without a clearance? In these circumstances, what action should the Pilot take (2)?
- In an Emergency.
- Pilots should advise ATC as soon as possible.
What type of clearance is required to enter Controlled Airspace?
An Airways Clearance.
True or False. Once the Pilot in command has obtained a clearance to enter Controlled Airspace, they must not amend a planned route, deviate from track or change level without ATC approval?
How long before the expected time of entry into Controlled Airspace should flight details be submitted?
30 minutes.
Is a taxi clearance required when departing a primary Aerodrome?
You have received a ‘cleared for visual approach’ instruction on a day VFR flight to an Aerodrome in a civil control zone. What is the earliest point at which you may alter the track/heading previously authorised by ATC?
5 NM from the Aerodrome.
True or False. Before entering Class D Airspace, Pilots must establish two-way radio communication with the tower on the frequency notified in ERSA?
True or False. A Pilot, wanting to retain control area protection during climb or descent in Class C or D Airspace, should remain at least 500 feet above the lower limit of the CTA steps?
If you are operating VFR in Class C or D Airspace and are radar identified, are en route position reports required?
If you have instructed by ATC to climb or descend at ‘standard rate’ in Controlled Airspace, what does this mean?
No less than 500 feet per minute until the last 1000 feet. Then 500 feet per minute.
How long after receiving an ATC instruction to change level in Controlled Airspace should the Pilot in command commence that level change?
As soon as possible and no later than 1 minute.
Two-way radio communication (has/has not) been established when a controller responds to the initial radio call from an Aircraft with the Aircraft’s callsign followed by instructions?
For a VFR flight by day, what is the distance from an Aerodrome in a civil CTR before ATC will give you the clearance ‘cleared for visual approach’?
Within 30 NM of the Aerodrome.
True or False. An Aircraft which has been issued with an instruction to ‘Hold Short of RWY’ must subsequently be issued with an instruction to ‘Cross RWY’?
True/Partly True/False. A departure report to the tower is required from VFR Aircraft departing Aerodromes in Class D control zones?
Partly True.
Are ATC takeoff and landing clearances required at all Controlled Aerodromes?
If an item is notified in an Airways Clearance as ‘amended’, does that item have to be read back?
True or False. VFR flights operating in Controlled Airspace must submit flight notification to ATS in the form of flight details?
Do Aircraft need a clearance to taxi across active runways at a Controlled Aerodrome?
What action must the Pilot take when acknowledging transponder code setting instructions or changes to settings?
The Pilot must read back the code to be set.
True or False. Unless advised otherwise by ATC, Pilots of SSR-equipped Aircraft must select the Aircraft’s transponder to ON/ALT when airborne?
A report to ATC made by a Pilot after takeoff from a Class D aerodrome where no departures control is established, is called an (airborne/departure) report?
Under what circumstances must Aircraft report arrival to ATC at a Class D aerodrome?
If cancelling SARWATCH.