Chapter 6 Vocab Flashcards
A rule(written in 540) that dictated the behaviors of monks and Christians in general
Benedictine rule
Trading, but without using coins
Ceaser+pope: the situation in which the kid had both political and religious power
The law (set by the church) that dictated the behaivior of general Christian people
Canon law
A family of powerful, political leader including Charles Martel and Charlemagne
Carolingian family
Charles martel’s grand kid, conquered much of Western Europe and instituted universities for clergy(was able to conquer because people needed protection from Vikings). Was crowned emperor in 800 CE
Ruled from 481-511, who destroyed the last bits of the Roman Empire and converted to Christianity to win the pope’s favor
The Crusades
A series of attacks by the Europeans to free Jerusalem from the Turks, after a call for help from Pope Urban II. The first crusade succeeded in 1096, but then Saladin recaptured Jerusalem
Something that the pope could do to get out the people from the Catholic Church
A way that the pope could push away a whole group of people if their ruler was being naughty
A political system that evolved in the early middle ages, involving vassals
Places where Jews were segregated
Organized groups of people of the same job who set standards and train apprentices
The church of holy wisdom, built by Justinian
Hagia Sophia
A league in northern Germany and Scandinavia created to facilitate trade
Hanseatic league
Something that the pope or the King could declare: untruth, bad, dangerous
1300-1400, English vs. France
The hundred years wars
The ruler from 527-565, built the Hagia Sophia, consolidated the roman laws in the corpus irons civilus
A document that made sure that rulers didn’t have absolute power, signed at sword point by john in England
Manga Carta
A political and economic system involving serfs
The dark ages
The Middle Ages
The spies that Charlemagne sent around his empire to make sure his counts were doing right
Missi dominici
The anti-Jewish mobs that hurt people
Muslim leader who lead the Turks to victory in 1100s
The tradition of using Ancient Greek arguments to probe Christianity
Justinian’s wife
The charging of interest for money(as defined by the church)
Languages that people spoke, not Latin
Vernacular languages
People who pirated from 733
When did the Byzantine empire fall?
When did the rift between Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox begin?
In 1054 CE, when the patriarch/pope clashed and they both excommunicated each other