Chapter 6 Terms Flashcards
Light emitted by atoms and molecules in the upper atmosphere and is a result of magnetic disturbance caused by solar wind
Rising and sinking motions in a liquid or gas that carry heat upward through the material
Coriolis Effect
Makes storms on Earth spin, generates large-scale wind systems, and creates cloud belts on many of the planets
The rigid surface of a planet, moon, or other solid body
Daughter Atoms
The atoms produced by the decay of a radioactive element
The mass of a body or region divided by its volume
Separation of previously mixed materials inside a planet or other object
Global Warming
Earth temperature has been increasing in a substantial amount
Greenhouse Effect
Trapping of heat by a planet’s atmosphere, which makes the planets warmer that what it would be
Jet Streams
A narrow stream of hight speed wind that blows in the atmosphere of a planet
Liquid or outer core
The molten interior of a planet
Magnetic lines of force
Fictitious lines used to visualize the oritentation and strength of a magnetic field
The solid outer part of a planet
A form of oxygen, which absorbs and shields us from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation
Plate Tectonics
The idea that the crust of earth is divided into larger regions (plates) that move slowly over the planet’s surface
Property of a magnet that causes it to have a north and south pole
Slow change in direction of the pole
Radioactive Decay
Breakdown of an atomic nucles by the emission of subatomic particles
Radioactive Elements
An elment that undergoes radioactive decay and breaks down into a lighter element