Chapter 6 - Special Emergencies Flashcards
Non-Fatal Drowning - 6010
• Maintain body warmth
• If trauma suspected, immobilize using proper technique
• Determine submersion time
• Airway/breathing management
▪Monitir SpO2
▪Adminiter O2 via proper adjunct to maintaon oxygen saturation of 95% or greater
• Assess temperature
pg. 1
Decompression Sickness - 6020
• Maintain body warmth
• If trauma suspected, immobilize using proper technique
• Place patient in the RECOVERY POSITION
• Airway/breathing management
▪Monitor SpO2
▪Provide 100% O2 via NRB
• Determine Blood Glucose Level
• Initiate cardiac monitoring
• Assess temperature
• Retrieve dive computer (if appropriate) and ensure transport with the patient or try to obtain depth and length of five from patient or bystanders
• Transport to closest most appropriate emergency room
▪There is currently no emergent hyperbaric treatment chamber in Duval County
pg. 1
Excited Delerium - 6030
Physical signs of Excited Delerium include: (8)
- Unfounded fear or panic
- Shouting/nonsensical speech
- Bizarre behavior (hallucinations/paranoia)
- Hyperactivity and thrashing about (especially after restraint)
- Unexplained strength/endurance
- Shedding clothes/nudity (due to increased body temperature)
- Profuse diaphoresis
- Decreased sensitivity to pain
pg. 1
Excited Delerium - 6030
A previously combative patient who becomes suddenly quiet should raise a red flag.
true or false?
pg. 1
Excited Delerium - 6030
Excited delirium can mimic several medical conditions incl: hypoxia. hypoglycemia, stroke or in a bleed. All of these patients should be transported. True or false?
pg. 1
Excited Delerium - 6030
• Request law enforcement if not already on scene
• Attempt to calm patient
▪Move patient to calm, quiet environment
▪Respond in confident, supportive manner
▪Inquire about resolving cause of anger
▪Express sympathy and concern
• Apply restraints if needed and not already in place by law enforcement
• Document the following in the PCR
▪The patient’s behavior necessitating placement of restraints
▪The type restraint used
▪Status of circulation distal to restraints
• Airway/breathing management
▪Monitor SpO2
▪Administrater O2 via proper adjunct to maintain oxygen saturation of 95% or greater
• Determine Blood Glucose Level
• Assess temperature
pg. 1-2
Restrained patients shall be placed in a __________ position.
pg. 1
No patient will be restrained in the prone or _____________ position.
pg. 1
Restraints shall not prohibited evaluation of the patient’s medical status or injure patient the in anyway.
True or false?
pg. 1
Frequently assess pt. to ensure airway is patent, distal circulation is adequate, restraints can be released quickly should pt’s condition deteriorate.
True or false?
pg. 1
When restraints are used, circulation to the extremities shall be evaluated by a least every _____ minutes.
pg. 1
JFRD personnel shall never leave the restrained patient.
True or false?
pg. 1
Combative Patient - 6040
• Request law enforcement if not already on scene
• A wide variety of medical conditions can cause a patient to become combative
• Attempt to calm patient
▪Attempt to calm patient
▪Move patient to calm, quiet environment
▪Respond in confident, supportive manner
▪Inquire about resolving cause of anger
▪Express sympathy and concern
• Apply restraints if needed and not already in place by law enforcement
• Document following in the PCR
▪The patient’s behavior necessitating placement of restraints
▪The type restraint used
▪Status of circulation distal to restraints
• Airway/breathing management
▪Monitor SpO2
▪ administer 02 via proper adjunct to maintain oxygen saturation of 95% or greater
• Determine Blood Glucose Level
• Assess temperature
pg. 1
Combative Patient - 6040
A wide variety of medical conditions can cause a patient to become combative.
True or false?
pg. 1
Hyperthermia - 6050
• Move patient to cooler environment and remove any clothing or gear
• Treat heat stroke aggressively
• Airway/breathing management
▪Monitor SpO2
▪ administer O2 via proper adjunct to maintain oxygen saturation of 95% or greater
• Determine Blood Glucose Level
• Initiate cardiac monitoring
• Assess temperature
▪ apply cooling measures (ice packs wet towels to the neck, axillae, groin, etc.)
▪ if temperature is greater than or equal to 104 degrees and ice water immersion cooling has been initiated by healthcare professionals, consider allowing continue treatment for up to 10 minutes
▪ when removing patient from ice bath, consider placing some of the ice on the stretcher around the patient
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