chapter 6 part 2: substance + meditation Flashcards
plant substances that alter consciousness
psychoactive drugs
where do psychoactive drugs enter the body?
through neurotransmitters
substance dependence: tolerance
when you require more drugs to get high
physical dependence on drugs
when your body is addicted and drugs used to avoid withdrawal symptoms
psychological dependence
continue to have cravings
reasons why people use or abuse drugs
- available
- family approved
- don’t anticipate negative consequences
- novelty of it
- gaining peer approval
vinocultures “wet” cultures
– drinking daily is considered healthy
addictive personalities
individual differences within cultures
- impulsity, sociability, anxiety, hostility
depressant drugs
e. g alcohol
- sedative hypnotics (calming, sleep inducing)
- depress effects of CNS
alcohol trivia
early western civilization tipsy
- different levels affect brain differently/ go figure.
- alcohol myopia causes drinking and driving (no future thoughts)
- metabolizing 1 drink per hour.
BAC charts (above 0.3)
strong sedation
BAC charts (0.4 - 0.5)
BAC charts (0.5 - 0.6
increase heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration
cocaine trivia
- most powerful natural stimulant (decreased appetite, pain sensitivity)
- effects peak in 30 minutes
- from coca leaves
- powerful reinforcer (animals self addicted to death)
- crack (more concentrated and longer)
amphetamine trivia
- occasional use to fight fatigue
- prescription leads to misuse
- speed freaks (repeated IV injection, restless, talkative, excited, lack sleep and appetite, paranoia)
methamphetamine trivia
- high addictive in crystalline form
- purer than amphetamines
- smoked crystal
- high risk of overdose
- destroys tissues (blood vessels, teeth, causes tremors)
narcotics (opiates)
relieves pain and induces sleep (oxycotin, vicodin, morphine, heroin)
- derived from opium poppy
- 3-4 hours high
addicts experience withdrawl within 6 hours of last dose
- pain relief, cough suppressant, lower breathing/ body temperature.
mimics acetylcholine
- stimulation, relaxation, alertness, adjustive value
LSD, mescaline, PCP, ecstasy, marijuana
- produce alterations in perception, mood and thought
THC psychoactive ingrediant, hash is more potent
- short term - time slows, touch and sound enhance, hunger enhances, well being, giggles
- later high: tired introsepctive
- high dose: short term memory loss, mood disorder, anxiety psychosis
LSD trivia
hoffman accidental discovery (1930s)
what does LSD interfere with?
Ecstasy also known as
MDMA (methylendioxymethamphetamine)
ecstasy is a stimulant and a _____
ecstasy affects serotonin and is characterized by….
high blood pressure, blurred vision, depression, lack of sleep, memory loss, damage to serotonin neurons