Chapter 6- Media Flashcards
Chain ownership
The ownership of many media outlets by one central organization.
Confidential Source
Sources who have not had their names released
Injuring someone’s reputation by reporting falsehoods about them.
A civil crime with the penalties being monetary damages
Reckless disregard of the truth
Statements that are completely and blatantly false.
Citizen journalism
When reporting is done directly via the populace.
Web 2.0
Online and social media’s elimination of the cost associated with broadcast media.
Fairness doctrine
Required broadcasters to give equal airtime to both sides of a given issue.
An attempt to stop the publication of any malicious, scandalous, or defamatory statements.
Prior restraint
Preventing the press from publishing something the government doesn’t like.
Mass media
All print and electronic media.
Pack journalism
Press deciding which questions to ask and what stories to cover based on what other members of the press corps are doing.
Shield laws
State laws which protect journalists.
Stop online privacy and protect intellectual property acts. Laws which would have put greater content control in hands of internet service providers and strengthened penalties for violators of piracy laws.
Trial balloons
Strategic leaks by government officials to see the public opinion on an issue or decision.
Unofficial airing of a candidacy of an individual before an official nomination.
Yellow journalism
Fear mongering, hyperbolic journalism which is often considered a precursor of talk radio and clickbait.
Communications decency act
Made it a crime to display indecent material on the internet if it might be available to minors. Wildly easy to work around. Also declared unconstitutional on first amendment grounds